Chetco Point Park

although most of the coastline of the downtown area of Brookings is monopolized by expensive gated houses, there is this great natural park that stretches out over a elongating bluff that is buffeted to the sea by lots of rugged rocks and some nifty little sandy beaches.     it has a nice pathway system that incorporates a foot bridge or two and takes you to some beautiful views and some neat little nooks and crannies in the trees.     aside from the obvious tourist and family value of this park, it is also a great place for the teen set to hide out in nature and find their self identity – and do it in walking distance of downtown.     and the funny thing was that i was in a popular restaurant asking the owner and head waitress for some way to get beach access to what the map appeared to show as an interesting coastline.     but i was told that there was none between the harbor and Harris Beach.     imagine living in a town of only 6400 people and not knowing about this little treasure?     if you want to know how to get there, i have provided a corner street sign pic that includes directions to the park.     enjoy.