

hello – i am just some guy who has had a Lot of spiritual experiences over the course of my lifetime, and they are continuing with mixed success in terms of a personal sense of ‘getting somewhere’.     and… in a general context, i do not see too many other people having tons of success with regards to the questions of Who and What they are and how they fit into the Greater Scheme of life as it relates to Spirituality.     some people make a big deal about it but demonstrate to me little other than they are good at marketing something.     so i have gotten this idea of sharing my experiences and let whomever finds this site to read it if it interests them… maybe some of my encounters with the concept of spiritual growth will strike a chord somewhere, somehow be of some benefit?     but i make no claim of being a guru and i do not guarantee anything except for the fact that i am trying to be honest.     i am not trying to attract comments or interactions and the confusion that could come from such.     everyone has their own need to be honest with themselves.     however, if you wish to send me a comment i have established an email address that you can use.     i do not guarantee how often i will go there and read what someone has to say, let alone respond.     once i found myself doing this i started to realize that the very exercise in attempting to write it down improved my necessity to focus and to have to think more clearly about what it was that i was saying.     that process is proving to be helpful to me.     i find that it is helpful to imagine that i AM talking to someone… makes me reflect more upon what i am saying.     so thanks world.

just for the record, i started this site in august of of 2013.     so, at the time of me writing this page the site is less than three months old.     and the more i write the more i find that i am remembering stuff from my life and what it is that i feel that i am learning from it.     the title of the site ‘learning to live’ is a happenstance of pure honesty. please excuse the constructive nature of the verbiage.     it should get better over time.     i am very thankful for spell checkers    

there is a taro card which depicts a desert scene with skeletons in view out there in the midst of that desert.     it was told to me (because i am not a student of the taro) that the spiritual quest is like that scene.     that the skeletons depicted are the skeletons of people who tried to cross that desert and expired in the effort.     well… i know that desert well.     some of those skeletons are Mine.     so be careful and be cautious.     the Way is not easy or a trifle.     i had a mentor many years ago who said that the Highway into this earthly experience is easy in contrast to the PathWay out.

anybody is free to use whatever words or pictures they find on this site for their own personal use.

