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Love is such an involved multi-dependent actuality that i thought i would dedicate a separate page to thoughts that i have had over the years.

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i grew up without either a sense of trust or some kind of an abiding Love within a personal family context.     i do not remember getting a Hug and my mother admitted in later years that she did not know how to give me one.     by the time i was through with high school i had changed schools seventeen times.     i remember reading the bible in bed at night when i was twelve – trying to figure out what Love was.     i found where it says that God is Love.     that sort of hit me with a thud because it removed the subject to a place out there beyond my toy trains…   baseball…   beyond the thought of not having to go to school…   and even beyond the idea of some day having a girlfriend.     but i held onto the girlfriend thing because i thought it would give me the opportunity to practice love and the experience of having a friend… i mean… the whole God thing seemed sort of pretty far out there…   kind of hard to buy flowers for.

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Cayce said that Love is the Strongest force in the Universe and goes far beyond what we call The Grave.     it is one thing to read something like this but a whole other thing to actually experience it.     i have had a number of these type of experiences and i have included some of them under the Love\Experiences tab.     however, i would say in conclusion regarding such experiences that it is something like how people say:   “it is a small world” after running into someone by chance that they have known from somewhere else far away in place and time – or they meet someone that both of each know.     thus, i would say here that the concept that someone has ‘gone away’ after passing has often for me to be less than true because in some cases the relationship became less restricted, more viable and more honest after their passing than before.

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i have heard many people often ask others what can be used as a good sign for telling or signaling that they are actually in love with another.     actually, i think that there are many.     however, in my opinion, i think that one of the most intriguing signs that love is working in the lives of two people is when their relationship begins to fit each one towards the other in such a way as to allow each to begin to relax from preconceived ideas about themselves, their self images, and life in general… thus, their minds and hearts begin to be open to new awareness and concepts pertaining to meaningful facets of life.     thus openness begins to fuel ‘discovery’ in the context of life.     this sense of ‘discovery’ can then become a precursor to growth.     thus, when ‘discovery’ begins to meander its way around in their expressions of compassion and empathy, when ‘discovery’ begins to supersede excitement with awe, then one another can begin to say that Love is being creative within their lives.

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PeacE is the perfect Chalice.     Love can be sooo powerful, that the only thing that can really contain it or behold a full dose of it is PeacE.     the only real way to deliver Love in the face of a Real Need for Love is to be able to be at PeacE within self about that perceived need.     thus, Christ was called the Prince of PeacE.

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Sex is way overrated and Love is totally underrated.

gonadal sex is not so much as a way to “make love” but rather a way to “spend” your love.     one ‘makes love’ through kindness, compassion, empathy: supportive actions that essentially are evoked through the heart or the mind infused with the heart.     physical sex can be validating and exciting but its euphoria is not sustainable.     Love is an ever giving and expansive expression that nestles its rewards to be found and realized through time while sex tends to be a depleting experience that returns smaller and smaller rewards over time.     Love finds renewal in its very act of expression in the manner of perennial flowers whereas sex is in a constant search for something new in order to appease it.

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Love is the harmonic expression of creative force.     it is possible to hear the message that is found in the geometry of the flower if one were to allow the spark that is within to rise up through the heart and resonate with nature.

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True Love is as Universal as it is Selfless and needs not language to be expressed.     the more loving and compassionate an act of love, the more publicly it can be expressed.     the more selfish an act of love, the less publicly acceptable it is to express it.

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people tend to find sexual jokes amusing because they are inwardly fascinated by the intrigue and lack of control or understanding they have concerning the sexual drive or urge.     people who are either completely worn out by the evading promises of sexual activities or have evolved towards finding the greater fulfillments and rewards available through their heart tend not to find sexual jokes necessarily interesting or funny.     spontaneous laughter caused by sexual jokes can often be attributed to a condition of embarrassment from the fact that one’s personal vulnerability to sexuality is greater than their ability to channel the urge in some other manner.     unfortunately this is often compounded by a sense of shame or guilt which only confuses the self image about this innate and basic urge.     the simple fact is that until you can direct the urge, the urge will direct you.     so trying to hide from it accomplishes little.     so comedians often provide a necessary service to society in reminding people of where they actually stand and what is maybe real truth and what may be false.     in the simplest of terms, the sexual urge is one of raw creative force.     thus, mastering one’s sexual urge is not a matter of implementing an on/off switch, but a process of growth in understanding the awesome potential and many uses for that energy.

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the spark of the Creator is within each person.     but it is just that, a spark, the irresistible gonadal spark that is always there seeking expression.     what each soul does with their inborn spark is a matter of will and choice.     if one chooses to seek through their heart to fathom the nature of that spark, to find a home for it, to nurture it, to understand it… then to those people will it be given the sign posts of conscious reckonings over time.     but we must learn to not be overly fascinated with the noise that we can so easily make with that readily available spark in order to develop the inner ear to the message of quiet joy within.     the quiet joy of inner peace is not in any hurry because it lasts for ever.     therefore time is meaningless to such a consciousness.     it is hopeless to suppress this spark for it has roots that expand throughout the universe.     what is a spark in comparison to the entire universe?     such is the dilemma within each soul as it attempts to answer the question: “Who Am I?”     what/how is it that i am?     it is that spark looking for its home that speaks.     unto those who seek to give such a home will they come to know the fuller potential of the Spark which continuously seeks to unfold within self.

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and the Angel said: “There is a Great Itch, at the end of which is a Great Pain.”

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do we have to explain to a puppy or a kitten what love is?     does not simple affection and caring suffice for such creatures?     and does not such simple affection suffice for us also if we are are not so self inflated as to look down upon such simple needs and simple affection?     better to be humble than demanding.     people who are demanding tend to clench their fist and point with their finger.     it is hard to hold a puppy or a kitten with a clenched fist or a pointed finger.     people who are humble tend to have lots of room within the cradle of an arm to cuddle such a needy creature.

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