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an Ideal is Timeless, Formless and Infinite.     an idea is a finite child or temporal representation of an ideal.     an Ideal can give birth to an infinite number of various ideas just as there are an infinite number of horizons possible as one continues to walk around to various places on the earth.     thus a True Ideal can be an ever interchangeably guiding light to the many and the few as they seek to rationalize their daily lives within the context of the soul and its Creator.

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Good is God in action – the word God with the vowel elongated through the action of loving kindness.

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People who do not believe in Miracles are unrealistic. – Audrey Hepburn

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Honesty is self insured by Honesty.     any mistake made in honesty will have an inherent resolution through the very process of honesty which, in and of itself, will give birth to the pathway that is needed in order to rise above or grow beyond the mistake.     honesty is much more than a goal or an option.     for those who are truly honest, honesty becomes a metaphor for self discovery and reflective understanding.     those who cannot be honest within self are the ones who are truly lost.

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Choice – all of life is a process of choices.     even ‘not to choose’ is in itself a choice.

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all of life is a process of learning our relationship to ourself, those we meet and our Creator.

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The Tortoise and the Hare

my Grandmother use to say:   “The hurrier i go, the behinder i get.”     i see that as another way of saying why it is a good practice to find that place of stillness within, that place where one has the Time and the Place to meet and sit with Our Maker.     another old saying is that the tortoise can win the race with the rabbit.     i think a reason for that is because the tortoise takes his home with him wherever he goes…   while the rabbit runs around digging holes in the ground all over the place.

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PeacE   –   internal PeacE is not a diminutive state.     actually it is a proactive state or mode.     however, it does require a diminutive process within self in order to acquire the capacity to handle the range of resource that is necessary in order to be that proactive or resilient.

one of the Big differences between being here in this 3D dimension as opposed to being in the afterlife state is the concept of Need.     within the concept of need is the constant timing of the cyclic process of birth and death, fresh and stale, new and old, good and bad, growth and decay and so forth.     thus, for every present external condition, there is an antidote condition.     this cyclic nature of externalized life can be visualized as life revolving on a circle.     thus, generally speaking, a 180 degrees from wherever your present external reality finds itself on that circle, ‘that’ forward progress is in the opposite direction from your ‘present’ forward progress direction.     furthermore, the externalized mental and ego faculties of self must contend with the fact that the ‘circle’ is really an evolving spiral which thusly incorporates a spacial differentiation between one point of circular beginning and the next 360 degree point of beginning.     this spacial differentiation actually has two qualities, one being that of time and the other being that of space.     furthermore, the inputs within this dimension to any given point at any given combination of time and space between any two souls is furthermore regulated by the needful karmic natures and aspects of those two souls.     and…   there is Nothing linear about the influx nature or plausible reactiveness of karmic need.

thus, the externalized mental and ego faculties of an individual soul that is consciously present within this 3D dimension, has no actual way to fully resolve any finite or temporal predicament because the very nature of that predicament is in constant change.     and…   depending upon the nature of the karmic natures involved, the actual finite or temporal point can in and of itself be quite elastic.

thus, as i began this comment…   internal PeacE is not a diminutive state because:   the true Kingdom of Heaven is With-In, is limitless, is ForEver.     thus, whatever the external condition(s) may be, they are of a finite reality, or a combination of finite realities to that Presence which not only Created Life, but even the very Concept of Life.     thus, if one is truly ‘At Peace’ with the Creator internally, then one would possess the Presence to be able to purposefully comprehend and Discover a complimentary answer to any external reality.     whereas an externalized mental or ego faculty would only have changeable and moving pieces of finite input with which to assess some meaningful conclusion.

however, the diminutive process within self that i was referring to when i began to explain this is that both the Ego and the mental faculties of a given conscious soul must be humble in the face of the Creator in order for the Creator to ‘fit through’ or ‘With-In’ the consciousness of self.     thus, to the self, such revelatory manifestations of thought and awakenings truly happen or come to ‘light’ as a discovery rather than as something that was manufactured or derived.

the difference between that spoken of as Christ Consciousness, or Collective consciousness, or Krishna Consciousness and the finite consciousness of an individual self is that the former is an active state of awareness of All Souls within any given moment in time or place or ForEver.     and here again, such a manifestation of consciousness requires that the consciousness of self defers to that of the consciousness of All.

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The Self Image

the self and the self image are sort of different things.     i use the term ‘self image’ as being that which the mind has built of and about the self.     mind is the builder.     the mind builds an image of self via, through and in conjunction with various aspects of life such as one’s emotional body, one’s desires, one’s guiding principles, one’s associations, one’s habits, one’s expectations, one’s understandings and so on.     thus, through the use of these aspects and avenues of life one develops or constructs an ‘image’ of self in terms of who that person is, what that person is, how that person is and so on.

without these constructs we have no real way or definition with which to interface with life or with others.     before you can chop wood you need to learn something about how to do it.     but, it is one thing to know how to chop wood, but another thing yet to have the confidence to actually do it, or even actually get to the point where you ‘think’ you are good at it.     and thennnn…   after you ARE good at it…   and you can call yourself a wood cutter…   and say that you have been doing it with an axe the whole time…   and then somebody walks up and uses a chain saw???     and let us say you did not even know that there WAS such a thing???     just What? do you think that experience would do to your self image of being a good wood cutter???     what? would that do to your confidence?

such an experience either would, or would Not really injure the self depending upon just how attached the self was to its image of itself. see???

soooo….   in the grand scale of things…   whatever it is that we ‘construct’ regarding ‘who’ we are, it will continue to wonder and flux in terms of what we fathom about our image of self in relationship to each other and Pale in terms of what we fathom about Our Creator.     soooo…   if we cannot be somewhat flexible and humble about our image of self, then self will have limited options for discovering harmony with life, with others and with our Creator.

the self is on a journey to discover who we are.     each ‘image’ construct that we come up with is really nothing more than a single pixel in a digital photograph.     annndd….   over time, once we collect enough pixels, we can hope to realize and produce some overall picture.     but, in order to do that, we have to be able to arrange all of our pixels into a pattern that produces a presentable picture.     annndd…   that ability has a lot to do with resolution and focus.     if those things are not happening right your picture can look like some disjointed collection of squares (pixels).     soooo….   after a long time and a lot of growth you can actually get to an overall picture.     but if your working ‘self image’ is still stuck on the parameters of just one pixel (as are many people), then you are really stuck.     but, once you can graduate to an overall picture level of consciousness through an inner flexibility and the use of humility, then you start to realize that there are many more plausible ‘pictures’ left to be discovered and created in the universe.

the self is learning through the composite of all of the experiences…   all of the images.     and then…   how was it that it is said???     in terms of our relationship to our Maker?     “Have no other idol (image) before ME”     that does not mean that we do not Have other images…   it just means that we do not place them before Him.     it is a warning that sooner or later we learn to abide by because it keeps us from getting lost.

so we should learn to do things in conjunction with or in terms of the Creator…   always keeping that source in mind.     thus, the things you then imagine, or do, or become, will then be alive and in harmony with some growing aspect or realization of Him.     there is a difference between a ‘thing’ and its principle.     so do not just collect things…   grow some principles.     when doing or approaching life in this manner, you then tend to build relevant humility into the mix of your self image.     thus your self image can become as a window to revealing your Creator instead of becoming a rather lifeless mill stone around your neck.

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Holographic Universe – it is pretty interesting to be seeing science and spirituality finally having to recognize each other.     just do a search on the subject of Holographic Universe on YouTube and you can be entertained for hours.     you can watch really smart guys having to stop and scratch their heads about how to come up with a definition of such things as ‘consciousness’ and ‘free will’.     i saw one guy actually get it right when he said that the only thing that boils down to being really important is individual behavior!     this also pretty much throws a lot of religious constructs out the window because structure or format in terms of a living code is by itself of no real value either.     the only real value to religious formality is that by following such practices it can bring a sense of habit towards a better or kinder or patient life style.     thus you get the same benefit from such structure no matter which religions brand name you follow… as long as the your goal is to become more tolerant, less judgmental, more patient and kinder in the manner of living your life.     religion is sort of like training wheels on a bicycle – once you get the idea of how to ride the bike… you can take the training wheels off and ride the bike with greater freedom.

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Sin – there is only one, and that is selfishness.

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i have often thought about the plight of the african american slaves of this country – how they lived through no hope for any help to their plight.     yet – it is their spirit that they brought to their plight through the music that they developed as a way of living through such conditions, their means of finding laughter and joy within their pain and struggles.     it is their music that was the basis of that which brought to the world ‘rock and roll music’ and lifted the spirits of everybody.     that is really something to ponder.     ever watched any old video of a whole line of black people singing and bringing so much rhythm to their work that they could literally pick up railroad track and put it into place?     somehow they got lost in the joy that they could discover in the essence of life in spite of the limitations of their life.     somehow they became that joy of hope, they lived that joy of hope.     they made music out of being blue.     and those who controlled them???     they paid no mind to their simple ‘black music’ figuring that if it helped them get their work done, then so what?     at least that is what they thought till one day that music uprooted their children and turned the world on its ear.

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Bible Violence – the Old Testament is the most violent book i have ever read – but i feel this to be with good purpose.     this is because the Bible is the real life story of the process of rectifying the individual self through the maze of trials and struggles in the process of becoming able to embody the complete goodness of Creative Force (God) without being selfish with the opportunities that come with experiencing such potential.     the Nation of Israel is YOU.     someone like Moses is symbolic of that sense of purpose which must rise up within self and take the first Big Step out of Earthy Bondage.     the crossing of the Red Sea is emblematic of conquering the temptations and deceptions of the second chakra which is symbolized by water.     the death of the earthly pharo by getting swallowed up when attempting to chase the nation of Israel through the Red (second chakra) is symbolic of the necessary death or transition of the earthly ego.     the wanderings in the desert wilderness is the third chakra symbolized by fire or heat.     move onto the Promised Land and you have the heart chakra and all the wars within self that necessitate the taming of the senses with respect to the desires which rise up through the heart such as coveting, envy and the like.     as time moves on the self (Israel) goes through lots of transitions which are the realizations which come and pass before the struggling spiritual egos that rise and fall as symbolized by banishments and such.     and, after untold struggle it is the simple and humble sect of the Essenes which bring into the world the Christ Child who grows up and is basically ignored by the very nation that sought Him – which i think is sort of emblematic of how elusive the Christ within is to the personal ego.

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Spiritual Mechanics – with regard to the working relationships between that of the presence of chakra energy and that of human need, behavior, expression and fulfillment of purpose.     do such chakra energies have a bearing upon the mechanics that are facilitated and stimulated by human interactions?     the yogic disciplines and creeds tend to purport a path of denial of the seeming natural process of human love relationships.     but then, most normal human love relationships seem to be based on sexual exchanges which are in and of themselves a counter productive means of cultivating real love.     the rise in that of personal energies from a love inspired encounter can be quite dramatic.     and, through analysis of such personal love experiences, i notice that the more meaningfulness and thoughtfulness that enters into the fabric of such an experience, that the character and behavioral qualities which pertain to chakra consciousness are substantially more active.     so i have taken a certain interest in using a memory of how a love interest felt and then seeking to replicate that as a meditation induced experience with some success.     by success i mean i have been able to bring a sense of fulfillment and energetic stabilization to my personal consciousness.     however, i have found that complications arise because such a rise in my energetic field attracts uninvited guests to the experience.     these guests are inhabitants of various domains of spirit.     the bible has that saying of Christ: “in my father’s house are many mansions.”     well, not only do i find this to be true, but some of the inhabitants of these various mansions are not always friendly.     so i have come to realize that just as in this world, there can be slums and bad neighborhoods that are inhabited by demon types as well as happier places with helpful angelic types of beings.     some of these beings seem to exist not too far away from here such as earth bound discarnates and some seem to be inter dimensional beings.     they (these other beings) seem to have access to the energy field that i am able to generate and that complicates what it is that i think i am doing or accomplishing.     thus, a lot of what seems to be difficult or problematic with the spiritual mechanics of chakra energies is how such actually interacts with the spirit world, or those who reside there as unseen forces or beings as viewed from this materialistic realm.     i know that from reading various yogic and Hindu texts that they say you should not attempt such advancement without a guru – someone who can monitor the ramifications of your spiritual growth.     so, the question then seems to become, how do i filter these domains, how do i monitor my chakra experiences so that they meet my needs and purposes?     how do i decide the nature of the interaction between the domain of chakra energies and the domains of various spirit worlds or consciousnesses or beings within these various spiritual domains?     as i am writing this, i am thinking that the very realization that such exists is key to not being abused, confused or defused by these interactive consciousnesses.     and i am also thinking that managing these interactions has a lot to do with my own willingness or susceptibility based upon how much of a hurry i am in.     i feel i have gotten into trouble at times because of what seems to be free help (quick energy progress) instead of slow progress.     sort of like being in need of money and having someone come along and offer a deal that seems too good to be true or seems to make resolution simple and it turns out to be a scam.     in fact, i am starting to think that there is a lot of scam in this world because there is a of scam in the spirit world.     as above, so below is a cross dimensional problem as much as it is or can be an answer.     thus the need for purity in all levels of ones existences and experiences.

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i was having this discussion with a friend about how i saw being vulnerable as a quality of friendship as if i thought or saw it as a positive quality.     she wrote back with some reflective thought about how getting hurt in a friendship is something of a reality but that she did not think she was fully understanding what i was maybe trying to say.     this led me to wonder what the dictionary deffinition of the word ‘vulnerable’ meant, and i found that the deffinition did not really support what the word meant to me.     therefore i wrote the following back to her and am including it here because i think it has a lot of value.

here is what i got via the on-line dictionary:

1.     capable of or susceptible to being wounded or hurt, as by a weapon: a vulnerable part of the body.
2.     open to moral attack, criticism, temptation, etc.: an argument vulnerable to refutation; He is vulnerable to bribery.
3.     (of a place) open to assault; difficult to defend: a vulnerable bridge.
4.     Bridge. having won one of the games of a rubber.

Well… not exactly what i was intending.     all of this is communicating something having to do with a negative experience.     so next i tried the word with an on-line Thesaurus:

accessible       susceptible     on the spot         unguarded
defenseless     unsafe             out on a limb     unprotected
exposed           weak                 sitting duck       wide open
liable                 assailable       sucker
ready                 naked               tender
sensitive           on the line       thin-skinned

Well again… not much of THAT works to harmonize with what i was attempting to emit through my communication either.     of those that seem to have potential are:   accessible, sensitive, tender and wide open.     the only other one that could be considered ‘in the neighborhood’ is ‘thin-skinned’ and only then if you could equate that to something like ‘wearing your heart on your sleeve’.

Wow – i am glad i am doing this.     and i can more easily see why you came back with ‘being hurt’ as a qualitative analogy.

you see… to me being vulnerable to someone means being willing to go beyond my definition of what life is or should be and allow the experiences, needs and conditional realities of that other person to be soaked up by my consciousness so that i may better understand that other person, so that i may better reflect something of mine in such a way as to have the opportunity to be of value to that person… and vice versa – meaning that i may better learn from the perspectives of another.     if i am too attached to MY understandings and definitions then i will necessarily be Blind to much of the goodness that is assessable and available via knowing that other person.

i think i told you that i spent a little more than three years doing music therapy for non verbal cerebral palsy children and alzheimers hospice patients.     in that effort i really worked on exercising attributes of compassion and empathy.     and to me… i equated those experiential processes to being vulnerable to the states of consciousness that these people were entrenched in.

now… looking back across that list again, in order to do what i was doing with those people did include such things as:   exposed, susceptible, unguarded and unprotected.     however, in so doing i was not in a position of being ‘harmed’ in the general sense of these words.     but in a real life scenario involving someone whom you were willing to ‘grow with’ through honesty and sharing attributes of loving kindness, these words become more possibly applicable to being vulnerable to ‘hurt’.

but this leads me to the whole concept of being a ‘friend’ which was the context of where i was using these words with you that led to this discussion.     in being ‘vulnerable’ to a friend does not necessarily mean to me that i am liable or expecting to get ‘hurt’ by that person.     i just see it as a risk that i am willing to take in the process of coming to know that person better.     thus is why i gave you sort of a lawyer’s rap about getting hurt by someone’s possible bad habits that was not evident when beginning the relationship or getting hurt through an accident within the normal misunderstandings that can happen between two people.

another means of expressing what i mean by being vulnerable to ‘friend’ means to me is that each person is looking out for the other person’s back… as in:   “i got you covered” which is the kind of vulnerability that one enters into through trusting one another.     or… having a true ‘friend’ would or should mean that the said friendship ought to be something of an insurance policy against being ‘vulnerable’ to hurt.     that such a relationship should broaden the footprint that you are able to have within life because of a diminished need of having to protect the self and the self image.

and ALL of this and More lends itself to understanding Why i never ever got even slightly close to getting married again.     to me, the whole concept of ‘getting married’ to someone means that those two people are able to see each other as partners in a process of being so Totally Vulnerable and trusting of each other that they have decided to commit every thought and every action for the rest of their lives towards the concept of finding living proof of their Maker in the Face of the Person that they are committing them self to.

the full potentialities of Life are So Deep and So Powerful that it goes far beyond words.     True Love is something that should be seen as something that is capable of being poured out of your soul into the heart of the one you love.     there is Nothing that is not possible though such symbols.

i could tell you some nice stories about when i was doing that music therapy with those children.     i started out doing that with a schedule of one hour a night one night a week.     i was a volunteer within the activities staff which turns out to generally be in a turf battle with the medical staff in a hospital.     anyway, not long after i began doing that work, i was asked to do more and more.     my time grew from that one hour a week to 2-1/2 hours a night, three nights a week.     the activities staff had no real rules except that you ‘lovingly’ interact with the children.     i just could not believe that life had brought me to this place.     a place so full of needful children and being asked to walk around and be ‘loving’ to them, ‘with’ them.     it is the first time in my life i was put into a room and asked to use my heart freely.     i was totally touched by this.

there were three wards of these children, two on one floor and one on the next floor above.     so, with the more and more time that i was given (asked) to spend with these children i would walk around and visit children at will and use my heart and ‘vulnerability’ to sense which children were more touchable than others – which children’s consciousness would allow my consciousness projections of love and companionship into their consciousness.     remember – all these children were non-verbal.     so everything had to do with body language and pure exchanges of consciousness.     so, i concentrated on the children with whom i found a sense of what i would call ‘mutual vulnerability’ – or the ability of each of us to allow the other into the space of the other, the ability to co-inhabit each other.

now, with that as a background, i will tell you this little story.     her name was TC.     she looked to be all of about twelve years of age.     but she was actually twenty-one and getting too old to be allowed to stay in the hospital.     the first time i came up to her and sat down with my guitar i saw a woman in her as she raised her right hand and placed it upon my left forearm.     it was one of the warmest first hellos of my life.     i was totally touched and went looking for that inner ‘her’ each and every time i played and sung for her.

the totality of her life consisted of three scenarios.     either being left in her crib (a bed with a large fence around it), or lying on the floor tied up into a full body straight jacket which she would fight with intense dislike of, or… be allowed to sit on the floor by herself.     in that sitting position she would have her bottom on the floor, her knees bent backwards with her feet going off somewhat to the sides of her body, with sometimes having her hands also on the floor to keep her from falling forward or sideways or just on one or both of her knees..   all the while fairly violently shaking her head mostly from side to side for hours at a time.     it is a wonder that in her years of doing this she had not ruptured the vertebrae in her neck.     it is some kind of a nervous condition that the hospital people had a term for.

during the eight months that i would faithfully come into her room and share my heart with her, there were obvious days when i could reach her better than at other times.     this was mostly the result of the fact of just how much drugs that they would continuously poor (literally) into these children.     all of these children had a hole into their stomach that was fitted with a plastic diaphragm thing that they would fit a hose to which went up to a container.     thus gravity would feed drugs or some kind of food or drink into them.     each ward had a pharmaceutical pantry loaded with endless shelves of drugs.     and each ward had a drug team that would mix these drugs on a cart and wheel it around and ‘poor’ drugs into these children.     so, i had to learn to work around this liability.     i use the word ‘liability’ because in being vulnerable to the consciousness of these children made me somewhat ‘vulnerable’ to these drugs as well.

anyway… one evening after working with her for about six months i could tell that we were on a really good wave link with each other.     not only could i feel this within ‘my’ and ‘our’ conscious mix, but at such times her neck shaking would either slow down or even stop.     it was so beautiful to be able to sit there playing my guitar and singing to her while she was able to sit there calmly.     during such times i could sense her sort of relaxing and beginning to wonder about life a little.     this is something that most people take for granted, but for her it was like having crossed a large stormy ocean and found a peaceful tropical island to sit upon and observe life from.     to be allowed to be a part of such an experience with her was such a gift.     but this night went beyond ALL hopeful desires and wonderment for her.     this night she actually got up upon her knees and began to DANCE gracefully around the room to the music with her arms outstretched and waving gracefully as if she thought she was some kind of a bird.     this was So Incredibly Beautiful to be a part of that it will live always inside of me.     and what is even more thrilling is that in being right there with her in consciousness i could feel her considering the idea of actually standing up upon her own feet!!!     and thinking to experience just what that might be like.     her thoughts about that had nothing to do with any possible risk involved and had everything to do with just contemplating what that might actually be like.     these contemplations had mostly to do with attempting to absorb the context of the Freedom that such an experience would invoke within her.     these were not passive thoughts.     they were more like spurts or flashes of realization and potential that she had never ever entertained before within her mind.     so it was nothing like her reaching or making it to a some kind of a goal…   it was purely a moment of self discovery through a window of life that had not existed before.

however, her moment of self discovery did not last long.     an attendant happened to see her dancing upon her knees while standing somewhere out in the common area.     i had my back to that outer room and never saw her coming.     but this lady literally ran into our room and tackled TC at the level of her chest and threw her to the floor.     i was totally stunned by this development and could only watch in horror as this hospital attendant reached for the straight jacket and tied her up into a snarled telephone pole.     TC fought this with such force that it hurts my heart to type these words.     after the lady walked out of the room, all i could do with myself was put down my guitar, lay down beside TC hugging her for the next half of an hour doing my best to poor love into her.

in the next two months or so that i was allowed to be in that hospital, TC never tried to dance again.

so, i have shared this one story (there are others) of my time with these children as a means of sharing what i mean when i say that there is a true power of love available through people being ‘vulnerable’ to one another through openheartedness.

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An Email i sent to a Friend:


:-) what a trip.

i am really growing a lot in this quiet place here.

and this latest thing with having been so sick for those close to three days.     is was So Violent and So ugly.     but by last night when i found myself sane again and able to just sit here and appreciate a couple of good movies   –   It was Such a Luxury. :-)

then, when i was done i went and had a fresh orange…   and after having felt So Sick via my tummy…   to be able to ENJOY that orange was So Thrilling!!!!     :-)     i just could not believe it.     So I Had ANOTHER One!   :-)

then i just laid down on the couch and enjoyed my Bliss.

and when i woke up this morning i just felt very Present with the idea that enjoying life is OUR gift if we are willing to appreciate it.     it is So Simple!

i spent my whole life trying to help other people:     financed a whole youth center, worked in a homeless shelter for abandoned teenagers for a couple of years, music therapy for hospice, took people off the street a number of times and put them in an apartment, financed and managed a readings research center in Va Bch, financed and installed a water distilling operation for the town of yarnell that has Horrible water, did a natural foods project there, and on, and on, and so forth…

it was like a Job!

and i just wanted people to be Happy!


and you know what?     sometimes it happened and much of the time it did not.     and most of the time i never found the working harmony with others that i would have liked to have discovered.     so, by in large, i got tired of doing that stuff.     i got tired of subrogating my happiness to the druthers of other people and their values and their expectations and their subsets of morality.

nothing that i have ever done externally has ever come close to the good feelings that i have gotten from inner alignments and experiences.     so it appears to me that there is some kind of a lesson in that.     and it has something to do with the timing of how and where and when you find your sense of Unity and Harmony and how you flow with it with respect to how you appropriate your thoughts regarding all of this.

a good example of that in a proverbial sense is:     “Enjoy your Achievements as well as your Plans.”     if you keep all of your positive potential tied up with your plans, then you never arrive anywhere.

my thoughts for this morning

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Movies that i like:


The Big Country – Gregory Peck

A Patch of Blue – Sidney Poitier, Elizabeth Hartman

Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Undercover Angel – Emily Mae Young, Dean Winters, Yasmine Bleeth

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial – Steven Spielberg

Roman Holiday – Audrey Hepburn

Kotch – Walter Matthau

Ghostbusters – Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, Bill Murray

The Illusionist – Edward Norton, Jessica Biel, Paul Giamatti

Groundhog Day – Bill Murray, Andie MacDowell

Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World – Russell Crowe, Paul Bettany

Big – Tom Hanks

American Graffiti – Richard Dreyfuss, Ron Howard, Cindy Williams, Paul Le Mat

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope – Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher

(just started this listing)