

Note:   when i started this page i thought… seven chakras… seven paragraphs plus a little intro and a little conclusion… and that would be it.     however, it just keeps growing and growing.     so the little section on each chakra is going to have to be broken up into a more readable paragraph format with a way of separating each section (chakra) – meaning that in the beginning i was trying to use each section as a paragraph, even if it was more readable as more than one paragraph.     also, the simple approach i had in mind is still evident in the first chakras – meaning that a lot more is said so far about subsequent chakras.     so, to be consistent, i need to go back and add some stuff to the the first ones – even though they are harder to describe because they are more etherial and thus more elusive.     furthermore, i find it difficult these days to say too very much about how to fathom the chakras because i find myself growing sooo much right now, that it is hard to quantify what i would say because i seem to feel that what i would be thinking to say is evolving too fast to be specific.     soooo…   oh well.

although much is said about the chakras, little seems to be what i would call practical and usable advice.  so…     after many years of thought and comparative reading from many sources i have come up with a working understanding that has helped me better assess my daily life.     my source material is the Edgar Cayce readings, the Ray Stanford readings, a large number of Hindu texts written by various yogi or guru types, a wholesale number of metaphysical writers and lots of meditation and contemplative thought.

A Working Preface:

as i have indicated, i have been having personal experiences with my chakras as well as thinking, reading and meditating with the purpose of understanding them since the mid 70’s – roughly for an elapsed time of about forty years now.     and, like anybody else in life, when you are working with something that you think is meaningful, it helps to have thoughtful discussions with others.     however… i find this is a hard thing to do because i have yet to find someone who has complimentary experiences that i can share and compare with.     furthermore, i find that the very subject itself seems to be rather abstract for most people – such and to the point that i have spent a lot of time recently trying to come up with a working premise that i can offer to people as a way to begin to assess this information for themselves in their personal lives.     this is especially true for applying the subject matter of chakra energy and its very presence and flow within how it is that people think about and make choices concerning the sexual expression.

in terms of our individual self awareness as a being, as a conscious entity, we humans are like a walking energy field that finds itself attached to the mechanics of a physical body.     just how many times in your life have you said to yourself: “I am full of energy today”, or “I do not have any energy today”, or “I feel drained today.”?     this manner of assessing yourself at any given moment in terms of your present energy level is one in the same with experiencing your chakra energy field.     knowing how to ASSESS that energy status, knowing how to monitor that energy status, how to learn from it, control it… in short, live with it and because of it is what it means to understand ones chakras.     in fact, the very process of living everyday life, the energetic aspects of being afraid, loving, exercising such attributes as patience and compassion are all a function of your chakra energies.     so, it is not just for a few gurus over in the Himalaya Mountains that deal with chakras because it simply has to do with learning how to handle your life, learning more about how your life affects you and how you can choose to affect the life around you.     all that a meditative person can do that a non-meditative person can not do is bring a more refined focus and awareness to these energies of life.

thus, in looking to try and simplify all of this, i have come up with the following analogy: consider yourself as being a kind of a balloon that can be full of air (energy) or depleted.     if the balloon is full of air and you disperse that air through the same hole that you blew it up with you can release that air with quite a force.     if you just let go of the balloon after blowing it up, it can travel around in the room with quite a stir for a short while.     but then, you have to blow it up again in order to have a balloon.     if you do not seek to release the air in the balloon for personal gratification, but rather choose to secure the releasing and the use of such energies for more eloquent and sustainable purposes, you not only have a balloon that does not go flat but can actually rise up into the sky and be transformational.     the example might seem lame, but if you do not go for the constant sexual release and instead learn how to transform your desires into something more uplifting and purposeful, then overcoming the earthly pull of gravity becomes available – not though suppression, but by the mere process of living for a life that is more sustainable through patient equitable and collectively creative principles.     religious principles of piety, grace and humility might seem boring to someone who wants results NOW.     however, as one begins to knowledgeably work their way up through their chakra energy choices they will begin to realize that all time is one time and is relative to the temperament that they place upon any of life’s various circumstances.     it is not the one who struggles who receives the rewards for growth, it is the one inside of self that is freed from the bondage of such things as hate, impatience and gratificational desires that learns how to take a ride with the rising balloon and inspect new horizons of choice for life.     so each time you feel ‘full of it’, just remember that there are many choices for how you can ‘spend’ that energy – or even have it.     life is full of chakra related sayings such as blushing pink, being green with envy, being a white angel, having the blues, being a yellow coward and so on.     so what are you putting into your balloon?     what are you ‘full of’? these are chakra related questions which require self analysis and self awareness in order to derive personal clarity.     it is my personal experience with these attitudinal aspects of living life that the vortexes of energies within our conscious energetic makup are identifiable as the chakras.     they are not only our etherial mirror, but the transformational doorway out of or beyond this confining simplistic physical world.     the body is an antenna for giving off and receiving energetic frequencies of consciousness and functions as such for better or worse depending upon how we choose to feed it with what we eat, with what we drink and how it is that we direct it with our thoughts.

sooo… to continue with the balloon analogy… there is only one energy or source to life – and that is that same creative force that conceived this universe into a living experience.     this creative force is a naturally expansive, productive and eminent force that is endlessly full of potential.     it cannot be bottled because no bottle can contain it.     and if you do not use it, then it will use you.     so best to find some way to be in harmony with it – and such is the dilemma of the gonadal experience for all humans.     thus is how i came up with the balloon analogy.     it is said in texts and places that we each are a spark of our Creator… created to become One With that same limitless expression that brought the universe to the doorstep of our evolving consciousness.     and where in each of us is this spark?     it is the gonadal experience.     by itself it is just energy – but energy that must be dealt with, must be used in some way because it does not take NO for an answer.     thus, until one can get a handle on its appropriate use, it is like i already said… it will use you.     and that is why sexual jokes are so universally funny – because it is naturally embarrassing to have so much potential and not know how to manage it, how to not be surprised by it.     thus, because of it, we are constantly going though the expanding balloon experience and needing to find some way to release that energy before our balloon experience just literally pops!!     therefore, the sexual experience is a common denominator because it is the easiest and most natural manner for the personal release of that force within this physical human experience.

however… the gonadal option is really only option One by virtue of the fact that it is the first chakra of seven.     thus, there are six more release points or vibratory foci for processing and validating ourselves as energy beings or energy entities.     thus, moving beyond the first door of the upward elevator shaft of potential human expressions, these foci are characterized at the second door as our desires;   the third being that of control through fear and faith or confidence;   the fourth as love or hate;   the fifth as will – either selfish willfulness or a more spiritualized experience of collective will which can be experienced through comradeship with others or even God;   the sixth being that of a quality of a spiritualized and ethereal visionary mental experience;   and the seventh being literally open to that of a physically limitless and expansive apparition of realized potential.     yet, even though this upwardly mobile set of potentials are laid out in a somewhat linear upward path, they are all part of a collective experience within the context of each conscious entity.     thus, the conscious options for harmony and disharmony between any of these energetic foci is more limitless that the amount of melodies that are found to be possible from the seven note scale that all known western music is composed within – and, i might add… with just as much option for various flavors of musical moods that are capable of supporting ANY positive or negative emotional venue.     and…   the balloon analogy is a good working premise for acquiring a sense of identity to the rising and dispersing of this potential of energy that exists within each of us.     without the manifestation of the energy, it is sort of like having a sail boat without sails.     thus, what it is in your life that brings you a manifestation of the energy within is something to give serious thought to.     is it your next beer?     or when you get angry?     or are you sourced via a deep sense of compassion for life or others, or another?     is life a chalice that holds for you a sense of hope?     i ask these personal questions because it is the very source of what floats your boat that has a lot to do with how the doors and windows to your upwardly mobile elevator shaft works and functions.     some people actually raise energy so that they can feel their balloon pop (so to speak).     as you will read later on, one’s desires and mental habits will overlay one another and become as props in your daily life.     and, if positive spiritual goals are what fill your chalice in life, and your balloon become full…   then what?     is it yours?     God’s?   or some cooperative joint venture?

so i ask each person who reads this…     “What are you full of today?”     “Is your balloon too full?”   Or laying flat beneath your feet?     “If so, then where do you feel either the immediacy or a lack thereof within the mix of options that exist for you?”     Are you invested enough within the magic mirror of your personal honesty to mitigate the flow of your desires and understandings in order to allow some transformation to your ‘have to haves’?     Such that something new and uplifting might manifest within your life?     Or do you find that your ‘have to haves’ dictate your choices?     Inspect your habits.     One’s habitat is a product of one’s habits.     Learning to identify the personalities that you have invested in through your desires and chakra energy expressions is the way to write a new story to your future opportunities in your dance with self.

The Experience Is Yours…

* * *

the Cayce readings take the chakra information a step farther than most other information by tying each chakra to the endocrine gland system of the physical body.     i have found this to be a big help in taking a seemingly very ethereal subject and giving it a tangible framework for applicable thought and experience.     Endocrine glands secrete hormones directly into the blood rather than through a duct.     in essence, a hormone is a chemical messenger that transports a signal from one cell to another.     some of the effects that hormones have on a the body are:

        stimulation or inhibition of growth
        wake-sleep cycle and other daily body rhythms
        mood swings
        induction or suppression of apoptosis (programmed cell death)
        activation or inhibition of the immune system
        regulation of metabolism
        preparation of the body for mating, fighting, fleeing, and other activity
        preparation of the body for a new phase of life, such as puberty, parenting, and menopause
        control of the reproductive cycle
        hunger cravings
        sexual arousal
        a hormone may also regulate the production and release of other hormones.

thus, to say that chakra energies have activities that are in parallel to the endocrine system makes for a lot of added texture to the subject.     and, when you can start to address physiological process in parallel to attitudes and emotions and say that there is an ethereal state of energy frequency that is able to affect these physical states, it gives another dimension to physical life.     of course, one might ask:   are these chakra energies the chicken or the egg?     and, although the question itself is a little restrictive, i think that the answer is both depending upon the given point in space and/or time that the life process is being viewed.     in terms of the day to day life, the bodily functions and actions can have a decidedly imposing affect on the energetic frequencies of the subtle energy states of the chakras and its auric field.     however, in the overview as viewed one lifetime to another, it is the chakras which tend to be the holders of and the interface with karmic forces.     thus, if one is to seek to take control of one’s life and take the attitude that all life is a process in consciousness, then managing life through the template offered through the language of the chakras becomes paramount.

the chakras themselves are commonly referred to as energy centers which are either a part of or tied to the etheric body and reside six inches out from the physical body.     many texts indicate that there are actually fourteen of these energy centers – seven out in front of the body and seven counter part centers off the rear of the body along the spinal column.     these energy centers are spinning vortexes of energy that are something like a vertically aligned egg that is more pointed on each end than an actual egg.

there is a color associated with each chakra that is indicative of the vibratory quality of the energy.     both the individual color of a given chakra and its quality are of import.     the colors are represented in a manner identical to that of the colors of the rainbow.     thus they begin with the strong red and work through the orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and the soft violet.     to go “beyond” the chakras is to venture into the spiritualized white light.     and, since the rainbow is a product of a full spectrum light such as sunlight being projected through a prism, i have taken to the analogy that the seven colors of the chakras are the result of a similar prismatic effect from the projection of the white light of higher consciousness into this realm.     thus, depending upon the qualities and dedication of one soul or another, in each person we see various qualities expressed as colors that reflect the nature of the individual expression of atonement in relativity to our Creator.     how is it said?     “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit.”

as i discuss each chakra i will be attempting to convey the concept that each vibratory center has a quality that corresponds to a human building block or hinge point of conscious expression.     these traits are dealt with and have their roots in the everyday attitudes, emotions and processes of interaction with self, others and life in general.     thus, what i am attempting to communicate is that the fundamental properties and issues of life such as fear, love, desire, control, laziness, imagination, faith, temptation and so on are directly able to be addressed and better understood via a process of learing to understand chakra energies.     that through an introspective familiarization with these energies and their processes one can learn to ‘allow’ and direct inner change rather than feeling that they must combat or fight unwanted tendencies.     the first four chakras correspond to the four main elements of our physical or earthly environment which (when understood) give a sense of organic understanding of how to better evaluate this energetic process.     the upper three chakras have more to do with spiritual concepts or principals that can either elevate the usefulness of a good moral etiquette or exacerbate a more or less demented life expression.     one of the methods that the Cayce readings quantify this understanding is by using the Lord’s Prayer as given by Jesus in the New Testament.     i have found this to be a good format for a practical mechanism of grasping a working essence of how to think and approach life in terms of chakra energies.     in fact, when viewed through these working principals one comes to realize that making use of chakra energy is not an elective option for the spiritual elite.     rather, everyone in life is already working through or with such energies in every aspect of life – both good and evil.     however, for anyone who takes the time to fathom the working nature of these principles, they will find that such can help untangle many of the dilemmas of life’s interactions.     such attentiveness can make it possible to formulate a road map of understandings that aid in the process of making more informed decisions about how or why we invest in this or that tendency, habit or life scenario.


There are as many ways to look at something as there are souls who might care to look at it – and for many reasons.     thus, even though i am not the author of this prayer, through experience i have come up with a means of using the Cayce information that is useful to my internal mechanics or practicality.     the Cayce information stipulates that the prayer is in fact a means for working with the seven chakras and that this was Christ’s intent in giving the prayer.     furthermore, i have chosen to use this concept in how to discuss the chakras because it works for me.     in attempting to use the prayer i have come to see that there are three distinct sections to the prayer: the alpha, the body and the omega.     alpha meaning a beginning principle, omega referring to a conclusional process and the body referring to the construction zone of daily life.     i see the alpha section as including the phrases of: “Our Father, which Art in Heaven; Hallowed be thy Name; Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be Done; in Earth As it is in Heaven”.     this first section refers to the workings of the upper three chakras, which in descending order are the seventh, sixth and fifth chakras.     the section that i refer to as the body of the prayer are the phrases of: “Give us this day our daily bread; forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us; Lead us not into temptation; and deliver us from evil”.     the middle section of the prayer is concerned with the four lower chakras.     these four chakras in ascending order are the first, second, third and fourth.     and finally, i refer to the omega section as being the phrases: “For Thine is the Kingdom; The power; and the Glory For Ever and Ever.     Amen”.     this omega section once again refers to the upper three chakras.     however, in this section these three chakras are addressed in their ascending order which is the fifth, sixth and seventh.

even though it can clearly be seen that there are three stated sections to the prayer, there are actually only two groups of chakras.     the upper three and lower four.     by analysis and through study it becomes apparent that the upper three chakras have to do with the world of spirit as it relates to or is experienced by a living soul as manifest within a physical body.     the lower four chakras are concerned with the actual process of a life experience which is influenced by karmic and material forces. although most people often tend to see physical life as just a physical experience, the very qualities of the physical experience are actually experiences of a dense form of inner consciousness which is expressed outwardly.     this outward or external expression and its experiences are in a form that is reflective and emblematic of the more inwardly centered consciousness.     in Hindu texts the name for this external physical world is Maya.     Hindu philosophy basically says that Maya is an illusion of me and mine, or thee and thine, which creates ignorance in the individual consciousness.     this philosophy goes on to say that this illusion is a product of the mind of the individual consciousness and that the process of yoga (unity) is to go beyond the mind, to realize one’s true nature which exists beyond the illusion.     i have worked with these concepts for many years and have come to understand that there are two ways to look at this Hindu philosophy of the Maya.

i have come to believe that Yes, this physical world we seem to be living in is a kind of an illusion that one may get lost in if you operate in such a manner as to forget that there is a spiritual world that is ultimately more real and has a greater sustaining purpose.     yet, i see that the proper use of this external physical world is actually a means to the ‘unity of the one’ that is the goal of Yogic Spirituality.     therefore, whereas Yogic philosophy states that one should deny this physical world of Maya and meditate your way directly to a consciousness of Divine Essence, i am saying that Maya is in itself a world or window of emblematic symbols and circumstances which one can use to ‘grow through’ to that same desired goal of ‘Divine Oneness’.     thus, in actuality, this externally expressed manifestation of physical life is for the convenience of being an example of the inner principles of consciousness which are commonly referred to as spirit consciousness.

one of the best ways i can think to explain this concept of the physical ‘external’ world as being a helpful convenience to an ultimate purpose of overall growth is to use some Kabbalistic symbolic thought:     the uppermost triangle of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life is formed by the uppermost three sefirah of the ten sefirot.     the top position of this triangle is the place of Keter in Hebrew and is known as ‘crown’ in english.     the lower right position of this triangle is the place of Chochmah in Hebrew and known as ‘wisdom’ in english.     and the lower left position of this triangle is the place of Binah which is known as ‘understanding’ in english.     Keter or crown refers to a place that is beyond knowing or beyond the ability to know, a place that is basically so divine that it is not fathomable to finite mind.     Chochmah or wisdom is generally explained as the place of mental inspiration, or flash of inspiration, the power to spontaneously extract insight from the superconscious realm of Keter.     Binah produces understanding from the ‘flash of inspiration’ that it receives from Chochmah.     the Hebrew word ‘Binah’ is derived from a word which means ‘between’.     thus, the means by which Binah provides ‘understanding’ is to take the energy from Chochmah and divide it up into a variation of pieces of the original energy.     thus, by being able to differentiate ‘between’ the various parts of the whole, then the whole can be realized, used and applied.     thereby, if we apply this philosophy to our physical world of Maya, it can be seen that it is a useful idea that we take the all inclusive essence of spiritual world of ‘Oneness’ and take it apart to see how it works so that we can better grasp how to use it, live it, ‘understand’ it.     and furthermore, if the ‘whole’ is so incredibly fantastic, then it is not too hard to imagine that the individual differentiated pieces are also going to be fantastic to play with.     thus, even though the various physical shapes and forms that we find as existent and existential in the physical world can be such a captivating experience that we get lost in it, it is in itself a pathway to understanding the ‘whole’ of Divine Oneness.     Oneness as a concept means nothing if you cannot recognize it via its many parts.     thus, the Prayer that we are discussing here is a working mechanism to reconceive Spiritual Divine Oneness from within the world of its symbolic parts.

Therefore, what we are saying here, in overview, is that our inner world of spirit consciousness and our outer physical world are really a reflection of each other.     that the outer world is really just a denser form of spiritual energy.     and…   that when this outer world is spiritualized, then its vibratory rate becomes quickened in such a manner that its reality changes through a process of upliftment.     thus this externalized manifestation is interchangeably termed as either the lower or outer world of consciousness and is a compliment to the domain of spirit which is termed as either the upper world or the inner world of consciousness.     but it is important to realize the limitations of this last statement.     each soul who is living out an experience within the material realm of earth has a spiritual consciousness.     however, the ultimate or actual spiritual qualities of this consciousness is dependent upon the degree to which these two inner and outer consciousnesses are: 1) in harmony with each other; and 2) to what degree this harmony is in harmony with the energetic forces of the Creator of the First Cause, or that One Who is the Creator of the Principles of Life itself… and herein we return to the Very Important concept or message of Maya of the Hindu Yogic creed or philosophy.

It Is Eminently important to realize the Hindu message and warnings that this World of Maya is Illusionary.     the only difference between what the Hindu texts say and what i am looking to explain herein is that they tend to advise going around or by or beyond Maya and i am saying that you can use it as a means, as a window to Live Through it or Evolve Through it to get to or return to The Place of Divine Oneness – Christ Consciousness.     thus is the importance of understanding the symbols and spiritual mechanics of the Lord’s Prayer – a Prayer given by Him…   He who was able to walk upon this earth and leave Living Transformative Footprints to a Living Heaven.

thus, from spiritual experience it becomes apparent through application of the prayer that there is a personalized spiritual experience which is individually germane to each individual’s earthly experience.     meaning that for each life experience that has its embodiment within the material realm there is a specific conjoined spiritual conscious reality.     this conjoined reality is the repository of the spiritual lessons which are harvested via the trial and error experience of physical life.     the Edgar Cayce readings often say that there is a subconscious domain and a super conscious domain.     herein, i am using the terminology of the subconscious domain as that repository of the spiritual counterpart to the finite earthly physical experience.     therefore, speaking in practical terms, this subconscious spiritual consciousness can actually be understood to be the conscious mind of the soul itself.     meaning that within the context of soul growth, the soul itself has lessons, the soul itself has a body of consciousness that is the repository of its lessons and growth experiences.     and it is this conscious mind of the soul which seeds the spiritual intent and spiritual purposes of a given physical incarnation.     thus, the spiritual conscious counter part of a given physical embodiment is in itself a mutable and growing experience.     this is important to understand because it directly relates to the differentiation between the alpha nature and the omega nature of the Lord’s Prayer.

before i get into discussing this differentiation between these first and last sections of the prayer i would like to make some comments about how i mentally view inner mechanics of consciousness.     as it is with most spiritual conceptualizations, i find that it helps a bunch to have a means with which to personalize or color these mechanics.     i find that this helps to dictate how best to feel about how it is that i am attempting to grow.     thus, i am referring to how i frame my self image with respect to the concept that i am working with.     for some types of conceptualizations it helps to take the attitude that the self is unruly and that a simple discipline will help greatly in attempting to apply a new concept.     an example of that might be in the area of using diet to make changes in the self image.   the new diet might be quite foreign to past habits.     therefore, enforcing a discipline upon the body and associated eating habits will help to seed the eventual benefits into the life.     with other concepts it is helpful to look at them as a guide or a pattern without exercising the sense of a forced or determined discipline.     an example of that would be like learning a new dance step.     first you obtain a general idea of what to do with your feet, and then you start to practice that.     as you are practicing that pattern you begin to acquire how and when to shift your weight into each step so that you can begin to get a sense of flow rather than just being a robot.     once you get the flow thing happening, you can start to pay more attention to the music you are dancing to so that you can graduate from simple bodily flow to putting some feeling into what you are doing.     once you are feeling the dance you are on your way.     another example of making changes in consciousness is that it is often helpful to just be ‘open’ to a particular concept and let that experience be a process of discovery.     by letting simple discovery through openness, potential possibilities can often just appear as inspirational ideas.     being ‘open’ to something is much different to the process of discipline or pattern because it implies looking to grasp something that lacks a necessary predetermined form.     there are many such mental constructs which aid the self image to acquire change.     the last such example that i would like to share here is the concept of ‘assembly’.     one of the most helpful approaches to learning how to assemble an understanding or concept is the process of trial and error.     try something and see what happens.     if that does not work too well, then change it somehow.     this trial and error approach suggests learning at its most basic and fundamental level.     at times one can freely ignore any of the other examples just given or use all of them at will with the only real qualification being that the proof is in the pudding.     the drawback to a trial and error approach is that it can lead to relying on ‘guessing’ too much and thusly throwing out the whole concept of there being a higher consciousness worthy of praying to.     i find that these various mental constructs are variably useful in making this prayer more productive.     thus, as i seek to differentiate between the alpha and omega sections of this prayer, i will attempt to draw upon some of these.

Alpha – “Our Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name; Thy Kingdom come; Thy Will be Done in Earth As it is in Heaven”.

each incarnation into this earthly manifestation is seeded with a spiritually held purpose and intent.     at the soul level, this purpose is endowed with many factors.     some of these factors have to do with what is desired to be proven, learned, reinforced or perfected through the opportunity to experience life.     other factors which can be germane to an overall purpose have to do with such options as the choice of parents, group associations with other souls and other karmic factors which can be entertained as supportive influences or even tests to try or temper past lessons.     but in the overview, all such plausible factors are generally props which serve to hopefully frame a certain theme of conscious intent for a given lifetime.     now… as an analogy, i like to use Noel Langley’s example of a glass bottom boat.     from such a boat it is possible to look down into the waters of life to see what treasures might be attainable if one were to jump out of the boat and enter into the water.     however, the view from the boat does not convey what the actual experience will be like after the decent into the water.     once in the water there are any number of things that might happen.     to name a few, there are the dynamics of trying to swim within the changing currents, there are the affects of shifting sands that may hide the treasures once easily viewed from the boat, there is the potential of lurking sharks and there are often other souls who might have chosen to seek the same treasures as viewed from the glass bottom boat and therefore adding forms of competition to the quest.     and, in the words of another often stated analogy there are often alligators which get in the way of attempting to drain the swamp.     thus, to persevere and actually accomplish the purposes and intent of a given lifetime is generally a challenge.     thus it often becomes easy to forget our reason for acquiring the experience in the first place.     so, it is prudent to have a means by which one can keep the originating purposes within the working foreground of our daily life.     and it is this need to keep alive the envisioned intent for life that the Omega section of the prayer is about.     this alpha section states up front that there is a fathering context to being alive and that such a context is prioritized and respectful to a place that carries a higher significance to the temporal priorities of earth.     this section of the prayer stipulates that this higher context of consciousness is Nameable.   there is also a working acknowledgement that in terms of the temporal place of earth consciousness, there is the availability of better place to come, a Kingdom of that Nameable consciousness.     and finally the section states that the means to that Kingdom has to do with getting the earthly experience to conform to the Heavenly experience through exercising Will.     so the essential purpose of this alpha section of the prayer is to remind us that there is a higher purpose to each and everything that we do and experience in our daily life.     i am suggesting that it be used as a mantra that even predates your first conscious thought as a child.     and in terms of applying any of the constructive concepts that i offered earlier, i would suggest seeking to enforce it as a discipline or see it as a pattern to follow.     furthermore, the term alpha and the suggestion that it be seen as a beginning is continuously renewable with respect to each reassessment that daily living presents.

Omega – “For Thine is the Kingdom; The power; and the Glory For Ever and Ever.     Amen”

this omega section is the most hopeful part of the whole prayer.     whereas the alpha section if for stimulating or seeding the life with purpose and intent, the omega section is about realizing the results of the constructive efforts to apply that purposefulness via the activities of the middle section.     this omega section is and should be a constant and open awareness – a process of ‘waking up’ to that of spiritual consciousness as seeded by the alpha section and exercised throughout the body of the prayer.     the yogi Paramahansa Yogananda use to always refer to the chakras as subtle energy centers.     and in comparison to the activities of the outward conscious realities the chakras are not only subtle but fragile.     many people cannot even stand to be alone without a radio or a tv serving as company.     but once you grow through that barrier and start to realize that not only are you not alone, but that there are rewards waiting for you that help to unravel the confusions and the conflicts of the outer temporal world of consciousness.     the omega section is about Finding the promised Kingdom, realizing the means (Power) to affect a better life. once these realities begin to become a living part of ones daily options then the ‘Glory For Ever and Ever’ begins to unveil itself.     the spirit world is not as temporal as this material realm.     i say ‘not as’ because the parts that we have access to upon waking up to it are still within the growth and lesson gaining activities of the soul.     but relative to the material realm the time frame is not only timeless but the etheric energies which empower its consciousness are not subject to the lack of sustainability that permeates the usable energies of the material realm.     thus to begin to invoke this inner reality of spiritual understandings and energies within the context of the outer material parameters, means that you are experiencing that given in the alpha section as ‘Thy Will be Done in Earth As it is in Heaven’.

Seventh Chakra – Crown Chakra

Our Father which Art in Heaven

this most upper of the three upper chakras is the most difficult to describe or quantify.     but then… how DOES one quantify Heaven?     how Does one explain a timeless essence in finite terms?     well, this chakra IS our link to that domain of timelessness, that domain of Always and All Knowing.     furthermore, there is nothing about this domain which is succinct in terms of ‘what’ it can mean, ‘how’ it unfolds or exactly ‘Whom’ is the author.     the Cayce source use to say: “It is not ‘what’ you know… but rather ‘Who’ you know that is important”.     this is So True in so many ways that it behooves that anyone who is serious about spiritual growth to take time to consider this, take time to assess just Whom you fathom to be your Creator, the Author of your Most High Presence.     and i am saying this because this can literally be whomever, or whatever or however you want this to be – but of course with varying results.     thus, it is no accident that this prayer begins with the words: “Our Father which Art in Heaven” because we have a choice in how it is that we seek understanding in or belief of a Heavenly Father… and for that matter, even as to whether these IS a Heaven.     but these variations have much to do with how we even conceive of, value and understand self.

now… since we are discussing this within the context of the aforementioned ‘alpha’ section of the prayer, we are using the ‘Our Father which Art in Heaven’ as something akin to a mantra, or as i was discussing earlier regarding mental constructs, we are using these words in the context of a discipline or a guiding pattern for the activity of this prayer which largely takes place in the middle section.     and, because of the very reason that i am using this prayer as a means to explain the chakras and i often use Jesus as an example, it is quite obvious that i tend to use Christian symbols.     but that is just My Choice.     an i do that largely because of the fact that my karma as a soul has had a Lot to do with the Hebraic epoch which culminated with the life as exampled by Jesus who ‘became The Christ’.     therefore, i am very comfortable with many of the associated symbols and personalities that have produced that pattern within the earth.     However, the Christ energy, the Christ Mind, the Christ influence is a Universal spiritual energy that is not only prevalent throughout this universe, but thought universes that are beyond this universe.     thus, what i am saying here is that ANY manifestation within the domain of earth that espouses teachings and guidance that is in harmony with what Christ gave IS of the Christ.     how many religions have the same Golden Rule?… saying the Same Thing so many different ways?     and the answer is that there are almost countless spiritual and religious practices that espouse parallel qualities.

So – what i am saying here is that you sit down as best you can and agree within yourself just who your God is and where He or She lives in ‘beyond the earth’ terminology.     and if ‘what’ is easier for you, then use ‘what’.     and if a free flowing ‘nameless spirit form’ is most comfortable for you, then use that.     the whole point here is to sit down and come to some conclusion within yourself as some nature of ‘who’ or ‘what’ is your creator or God and that the ‘where’ of that conclusion is beyond self in some sort of an upwardly mobile domain.     make this determination of a nature that is the best and the highest that you can conceive as potentially being True.     and do so with the awareness that we are in the alpha section of the prayer which simply means that this is the Ideal with which you begin from and seek awareness of.     when we get to the omega section of the prayer we will have the option to reassess these original determinations which we made within the alpha section.     as an example, i suggest you think of it as if you are in some valley and have looked off into the distance and chosen a mountain to travel towards.     and after using the body of the prayer to make changes in your life and gain some inner awarenesses, you find in the omega section of the prayer that there was another mountain a little to the left or the right of the original mountain that you originally set off towards.     so, with this gain in spiritual understanding you have the option of reformatting just ‘who’ or ‘what’ is your ‘Father’ and ‘where’ ‘He’ or ‘She’ might exist.     soooo…. what i am saying here is that: “as You Grow, so will Your Concept and Understanding of God Grow.”

earlier i said that – “each soul that is living out an experience within this material realm of earth has a spiritual consciousness.     however, the spiritual qualities of this consciousness is dependent upon the degree to which your upper and lower (inner and outer) consciousnesses are: 1) in harmony with each other; and 2) to what degree this harmony is in harmony with the energetic forces of the Creator of the First Cause, or that One Who is the Creator of the Principles of Life itself.”     so, what i am saying here is that as these stated harmonic balances change, so will you change, so will your understandings of you and the nature of God change.     if these properties of consciousness do not change, then you are not growing.

i find myself going to great lengths here to explain this because i have had lots of evolutionary experiences via and through my crown chakra.     in fact, i would have to say that the crown chakra is the hardest of the seven to try and explain to someone.     i find that part of the difficulty in explaining crown chakra experiences has to do with some of the nature of consciousness as experienced through the crown.     i have come to find that there is much more to it than just a ‘Father’ in ‘Heaven’.     how is it that Jesus put it?     “In my Father’s House (Heaven) are MANY Mansions.”     well, this is quite true.     and i feel that it would be helpful to explain some of that here.

i also talked about the fact that we each have a subconscious realm and a supperconscious realm – meaning that this ethereal world that is beyond our finite earthly consciousness has a structure that is multi dimensional – that through your crown chakra you not only have access to infinity, but that there are layers or differing realms of infinities.     this is a good thing to have an understanding of in order to give some context to how it is that our working understanding of God or a higher consciousness within self can seem to change or evolve.     i find it helpful to see these two terms of subconscious and supperconscious as being extant within self and in parallel with the concept that there is that which we know as our self and that which we refer to as the soul.     that just as we in our earthy experience have what we call a conscious mind, so does the soul have a conscious mind, and that the conscious mind of the soul IS the subconscious mind of our earthy experience.     this leaves the supperconscious mind to be the subconscious mind of the soul.

these divisions of consciousness give room for realizing that just as our more finite selves in our earthly experience have room for growth, so does our soul.     and just as our daily conscious mind is a playground for growth experiences, so is our subconscious mind a playground for growth in the capacity of the conscious mind of the soul – with the difference being that the conscious mind of the soul has a much broader scope of view, a much less restrictive sense of time and thus a differing system of priorities.

so, with this knowledge we can begin to start to see what it might mean to ‘get in touch’ with self.     furthermore, just as we have friends in our earthly experience, so does the soul have ‘friends’.     the common term which can apply here for ‘friends’ at this level are what is referred to as ‘spirit guides’.     and as we become more ‘clear’ about our life’s purpose and live in harmony with that purpose, so will our soul and it’s purposes begin to manifest more fully.     the more this happens, then the more ‘open’ our crown chakra becomes, the more the world of spirit becomes active and understood within the priorities and activities of our daily life.

so the ‘Our Father’ that Art in Heaven is actually quite an active presence because not only does the term apply to deeper levels within self and the soul, but it also means and refers to the source and Presence of Our Creator in its fullest import.     at least it does if you are willing or desiring to acknowledge such to be valid and true.     and to the degree that you do, then exactly how well that sense of Creative First Cause makes its Presence and Light known within your daily life through and via your crown chakra is dependent upon how much you and your soul find harmony with that Essence.     and however that At-One-Ment may or may not be in harmony, it is less temporal and more spirit infused than the morning paper or the amount of money that is in your checking account.     whoever you have been as a soul has brought your temporal consciousness to this particular time and place, this particular sense of ‘now’ for growth.     and this alpha part of the prayer is about purposefully acknowledging such as a revelatory guiding principle to your conscious life.     in the omega aspect of this prayer we will discuss how this can evolve with respect to how this relationship to the spirit world as accessed through the crown chakra.     but in this alpha section it is imperative to realize the importance of the fact that this upper world be placed in a ‘most high’ context with regard to the purposes and ideals that one holds for their life.

i have had a number of experiences that were germane to the seventh chakra.     none of them can i or could i say i was ever in charge of – whereas i know i have always felt that i was in ultimate control of whatever opening activities that were germane to the third chakra.     i am not sure what sharing one of these crown chakra experiences will do for anybody else, but i offer it is food for thought.     back in the late to mid seventies i had a lot of deep spiritual experiences and openings.     one such experience lasted about three days and went on as if it had its own schedule, its own agenda.     it began by me feeling like a 1-1/2 or 2 inch hole was opened up in the top of my head where the crown chakra opening is.     then over the next day or so a three to four inch sized cylinder was removed from inside my head and taken out through that hole.     then another like sized cylinder was lowered back into my head.     afterwards the hole was closed up.     i sort of felt like that cylinder was some sort of a storage and communications device, like maybe a live data cartridge of some kind?     and that the first cylinder was what i was born with and the second was one i had somehow earned or was given as a way of reprogramming my life.     at all times i knew that there was a knowledge trust of consciousness or beings that were in complete charge of whatever was really going on, and that i was just a part of a bigger movie.     i mean, these guys up there were so totally in charge of what was going on that it was almost as if i did not even seem to matter – except for the fact that it was happening to me.     soooo…   do i have a crown chakra?     Yes.     do i know what all is going on up there?     No.     Do i believe in God?     Yes.     Amen.

in physical terms the 7th chakra is the top of the head, the soft spot in the skull of a baby, the point of entry when the soul takes possession of the body and the point of exit at death.     thus, it is sort of a double duty doorway for the entry of the soul and a corridor of communication of guidance which can and does affect the consciousness of the person during life.     this corridor can also act as an antenna for attracting guidance and influence.     furthermore, depending upon the choices and purposes as harbored by a given person, this corridor can be purified or become polluted.     thus the ever present need or prayer that the “Father” of our life be “in Heaven”.

the endocrine gland for this center is the Pituitary.     is located in the center of the skull, just behind the bridge of the nose, is about the size of a pea.     according to Cayce, the Pituitary is the master gland of the physical body and is the first thing formed after conception and is the directing source for the constant re-creation of the body.     science also refers to this gland as master gland of the body that serves as a link between the nervous system, regulates other endocrine system glands and releases many hormones which affect growth, sexual development, metabolism and the system of reproduction.     the Cayce readings go a step farther by saying that the pituitary creates the adrenals, the pineal and the thyroid and that the adrenals create the gonads, leydig cells and the thymus.         thus the pituitary creates three and the adrenals create three.     science states that the adrenals are regulated by the pituitary.     therefore, there is no lack of either spiritual or scientific documentation for the importance of this center.

the chakra color associated with this center is Violet.

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The 6th Chakra
Hallowed Be Thy Name

this is the energy center within the human experience and consciousness that best correlates to the Christ energy.     the energetic quality of the Christ pattern is one of Supreme Unity In All, With All and For All.     there is that of the Father in Heaven, but His Nature is beyond the capacity to grasp in human terms.     thus, in the grand scheme of things it is the Christ Energy that becomes the First Essence of God that can be Named, that can be Revealed, that can be grasped in a human context that makes human spiritual growth viable.     “As you have seen Me, you have seen the Father.”     thus, it is in the very nature of Christ Energy that All souls can be truly ‘At One’, to know the personal self in a context that reflects All that has Ever Been, All that Is and All that shall Ever Be.     that of the Christ Mind is an ever Visualization of the Creative Presence known to us as Love.     it is the energetic place that allows God to be referred to in the second person.     yet, within that of a personal realization there is the necessity to seek that such imaginative forces are in fact ‘Hallowed’ – for as we Imagine we are Creating.     thus, mind is the builder.     within the human paradigm, this domain of imaginative ability is susceptible to that of human desire (selfishness).     thus the prayer ‘Hallowed Be Thy Name’ is a qualitative choice within human consciousness that necessitates mindful dedication through appropriate Will.     in physical sensation, this is the forehead, the third eye.     the endocrine gland for this center is the Pineal.     the color is Indigo.

Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done in earth as it is in Heaven – there is a lot that goes on here.     in this, the 5th chakra, is the seat of the forces of Will.     but Whose Will?     God’s Will or our own?     that is ever the choice.     Self or All – All being as understood through the Christ or Unity.     Kingdom being that place as realized through the Named Unity.    Key here is in the words ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ with the word ‘Come’ expressed or realized as a continuous open-minded prayer.     a prayerful willingness within the context of a Father God consciousness which surpasses comprehension to the earthly mind.     the Kingdom of the Father as found Named in the Unity of all as Christ in the earth is in a constant state of Revelation of that which is To Come or Become.     the essence of God or Love is found in its very creativity.     thus awaits all souls an essence that is in constant renewal because beyond or within each point of self realization of God within self is something being born and inborn anew.     the kabbalah says that our trials and tribulations are finite but our rewards are infinite.     this speaks to the earthly tendency to want to say that This is God Here or That is God There when the higher realization through a Higher Will finds God as a seamless revelation – a state which is not challenged or invalidated by anything which came before or will come after any state of Now.     in physical sensation this Will center is the throat, the place where we bespeak of that which we would seek to create or command.     are we stiff necked?     or are we able to allow our will to bend in the light of all without breaking or loosing sight in the face of infinite choice.     the fabled ‘Star of David’ is the result of a perfected implementation of the Ideal of God’s Kingdom superimposed ‘in’ earth as it is ‘in’ Heaven.     that symbol is constructed of two equilateral triangles – one pointing downward and the other pointing upward.     when the two triangles are perfectly superimposed one upon the other, then is realized that star in such a manner as to produce a perfect hexagon within the center of that symbol.     this is the realization of spirit over matter, or matter in harmony with spirit.     notice the network of hexagons that bees construct in order to house their honey.     the Cayce readings indicate that there is total selflessness in the consciousness of the bee in the making of honey.     the upper triangle represents the upper 5th, 6th and 7th chakras.     the lower triangle represents the 1st, 2nd and 3rd chakras.     the harmonic interaction of spirit properly enacted within the matter of earth happens as follows:   the seventh chakra overlays the first, the sixth overlays the second and the fifth overlays the third.     the harmonic result is nurtured within the realm of the 4th chakra which is the domain of the heart.     we will need to move along in order to begin to see how this works, but for now let us remain with the workings of the symbol itself.     keeping then in mind that there are two triangles at work here, two manifestations of consciousness – one being revelatory and the other being manifest.     the upper triangle which points downward is representing that of spirit consciousness or heavenly forces projecting themselves into the earth or matter.     the lower triangle which is pointing upwards is that of the earthly consciousness reaching upwards towards the heavenly.     i find that it helps to have a working or applied view of how these triangular symbols can reflect the nature of the struggle towards harmony.     struggle can be represented by either or both of the triangles being improperly formed (not perfect equilateral triangle(s).     or the triangles can be displaced relative to each other.     imagine the existence of vertical space between the upper triangle and the lower, a distance between the upward and downward points.     this space is representative of spiritual tension.     movement of triangles which brings the two points into contact with each other represents the meeting of spirit and matter.     movement from there towards a perfect overly is emblematic of spiritual growth.     this is not said here as to suggest that there is some machine somewhere where one can go and put in a quarter and have it tell you the position of your triangles.     but it is a graphic kind of symbol that one can use to self inspect the personal state of your chakra energy relationships.     with practice and through internal awareness, you can begin to see how you are doing.     and, it is being shared here within a discussion of the Will chakra because it is the application of will which is ever that which decides the next move.     all growth is a result of choice.     even the lack of choice is a choice.     the parameters of choice necessitate the interaction of all the chakras in the process of manifestation.     look at the range of all the various types of music – just as there are seven chakras, each melody manifests from the expression of a seven note scale.     both time and space is arranged between each note in order to affect the expression of melody.     if you stand up straight and extend your arms outward from each other in opposing directions you become a living symbol of the Christian cross.     at the epicenter of that embodied cross is found the throat – the forces of will and that point at which spirit enters matter.     from that position we each have the opportunity to choose to raise our arms upwards in prayer to the Father in Heaven or bring the arms downward in worship of the forces as found within self.     through proper living and inward analysis… a completed star is available within the expression of each soul.     the endocrine glad for this center is the thyroid.     the color is blue.

Give Us this Day our Daily Bread – this is a direct reference to the gonads, the first chakra.     the Cayce readings refer to this center as ‘the engine’.     always you hear the saying that:   “we are a ‘spark’ of our Creator.”     well, that spark is the gonads – an unbounded, unprescribed ‘blank check’ to be experienced, used and spent as we wish, imagine or desire.     in fact, it is so ‘ever accessible’ that it essentially ‘demands’ that something be done with it.     thus the challenge is not in finding a use for this energy, this drive… the challenge, the essential dilemma, is found in ‘how’ to use it without being selfish.     although that of the male seed and the female egg is tied to the creative implementation of this ‘spark’, the actual realization of its usefulness is found in the second chakra – the seat of desire.     furthermore, above and beyond that of desire are the forces of will and choice which must co-involve with the potential of the gonadal energy in order to realize direction over self involvement. the first four chakras have to do with the basic elements of physical reality.     in ascending order, they begin first with the earth, then is water (second chakra), followed by fire (third chakra) and air (fourth chakra).     in terms of the overview of the chakra energies, the lower four represent the earthly experience and the upper three represent the domain of spirit.     within the context of the earthly experience, the gonads are the earth point and the first color of the rainbow prism which is red.     although it is more useful to see first chakra energy in the symbolic terms of rock, dirt or dust, in its most basic sense it can be viewed as the very formative volcanic red of molten lava.     but hopefully, for most human experiences, their self will has risen to a point in consciousness that they are not throwing themselves around in life and upon others in a fashion synonymous with molten lava.     now… a key factor within the overall earthly experience is that of the force of gravity.     this force remains the ever resultant factor in terms of creative results until that of the more heavenly options to life expression overcome that of the earthly tendency.     this heavenly manifestation becomes accessible through the properties of air which is the heart.     thus heaven (the domain of spirit) is found to be skyward, and to reach the sky you must be able to leave the earth and its rocky heaviness.     so, as we will see in a discussion of the second chakra, use of first chakra energy either becomes more self involved or begins it transition beyond self (the earthly ego) via the function of desire.     but, like it is with any other commodity, the ability to direct something comes after acquiring sufficient experience in getting familiar with its nature and becoming good at using it (the development of the earthly ego).     and, even though gonadal heights are limited by the forces of gravity, the heights can be developed around quite an elaborate system of upward stairways or that of the mountain habitat.     thus ‘earth 101’ is a natural period of self expression through the use of gonadal energy… and ‘earth 104’ (heartfelt expressions) becomes attractive once the heaviness and morbidness of ‘earth 101’ becomes apparent or outgrown.     there is a decided difference between a culmination experience of creative force (an orgasm) that is based in the gonads and that which is generated by and through the heart.     because the first chakra is earth based, any culminating experience is no more mobile than a rock.     it might be as though a rock which is propelled skyward to sometimes great heights, but it will still find its natural conclusion upon mother earth.     gonadal energy of the first or base chakra is a Fixed energy source.     so as long as one can be satisfied by a monumental edifice to a past event, no matter how high it goes, it is a ground based event that carries within its experience a built in reference to a specific time and place.     furthermore, not only does each event need to acquire the energy source for it to take place, but each such event reinforces the concept of an ending.     the term commonly used for this qualification is the climax.     even though securing the actual energy to have a climatic event can become more and more elusive over time, there is no limitation to the inherent source of the supplied ‘spark’ and there is no fixed point or climax to the heavenly realm.     there is the inherent realization that there is SomeThing more Grand in the experience of Life than just self – even if its fascination is confined within the knowledge of self.     the motivation for eventually reaching beyond the self is the ever inner quest for SomeThing New.     and this need for Something New in the experience is inherent in the fact that the very energy that is being used for the gratification of self is that ‘spark’ of our Maker which is ever Creative.     so… sooner or later, one gets tired of self’s perspectives and begins to raise the eyebrow and look for Something More, SomeThing New.     thus: “Give Us this Day our Daily Bread” becomes a Prayer, because, eventually, in order to even find the energy to gratify self SomeThing New must come along and trigger it.     and… when one is in step with a less selfish and more heavenly use of our ‘Spark’ the more Grand and fulfilling it’s use becomes.     and… when the use of the ‘Spark’ is reinforced through the consciousness of an application of the Christ Energy and its nature of All in One and One in All, that of the lowly orgasm becomes unquestionably counter productive and deflating to the consciousness of the entity.     for what method did Christ leave us?     by rising up into the clouds in defiance of the restrictions of earthly gravity.     in reference to the discussion of the six pointed star in the section on the will center, it is the gonads an the pituitary crown chakra center which overlay or balance on one to each other.     the ‘spark’ conjoined with its source.     for those who have the ‘white light’ experience during meditation, they are experiencing a piece, a portion of their spark, their inner existence returning home.     the white light experience often reported by near death experiencers is the self returning in mass to the realm of spirit… the recollection or recombining of the seven chakra consciousnesses into the One.     – – – Please Note:   this is a much bigger subject and i have tried to do it too fast.     i am going to have to go back and expand quite a bit here.     the key point that i have not even really addressed is the fact that to suppress this energy as something evil only adds confusion to life’s intent.     the ultimate purpose in life is to be creative and you cannot be creative without using the gonadal energy.     thus, i think it is better to learn from the mistakes that become evident through abuse rather than suppress it as if its very nature or existence is a bad thing.

Forgive us our Trespasses, As we Forgive our Tresspassers – this is the third chakra, the consciousness symbolized by fire, is the color of yellow and according to the Cayce readings the seat of Fear and Faith.     the endocrine relationship here is with the adrenal glands.     Cayce referred to this center as ‘Power in the Earth’ to whit i say:   the seat of power within the earthly realm of consciousness.     furthermore, Cayce stated that after conception the first thing created is the pituitary gland.     the pituitary gland then creates the adrenal glands.     the pituitary goes on to create the Pineal and the Thyroid while the Adrenals go on to create the Gonads, the Leydig and the Thymus.     thus both the pituitary and the adrenals both create three of the seven endocrine glands which correlate to the seven chakras.     the pituitary remains the master gland of the body, but the adrenals are the seat of power in the earthly realm of consciousness.     this is your gut.     how many are the people who rely on their gut feelings for making a decision of importance?     people without what is often referred to as ‘intestinal fortitude’ usually do not amount to much and get run over easily in life.     human aggression is a hormonal attribute of the adrenal glands.     this is the center that relates to work in the life, the ability to accomplish, to control, to be productive.     mind is the builder, but the solar plexus chakra is what gets it done in earthly terms.     the faith to persevere and the fear that impales is found within this domain.     this is such a primal and pivotal domain which is not given to finesse unless such is deemed as a method of control, a method by which to effect an outcome.     the counterpart to this center in the ongoing discussion about the formation of the six pointed star is the fifth chakra, the seat of the will.     will has the ability to supersede the drive of adrenal fire.     the reserve of choice is the ever present decider to the direction in life.     and probably the hardest decision to digest, the hardest to swallow from the view of third chakra consciousness is that of forgiveness.     especially the quality of forgiveness which reaches beyond the domain of rational finite consciousness.     however, the purpose of forgiveness is not really about releasing or saving the one whom you are in need of forgiving.     the real purpose of forgiveness has to do with becoming unattached to the painful and troublesome nature caused to you by that experience.     as lonmg as we hold onto the negativity of the experience, that experience continues to live within us, continues to impede our growth.     now, if the person you are needing to forgive is self, then the one you are forgiving is released.     yet, forgiveness has a wider import or has to edo with a bigger issue than just that of an encounter with another person.     this has to do with life in general in the context of humanity in general.     no fault, no mistake and no exercise of selfish behavior by any one person that is exercised at the cost of another human being is a commodity that is able to be calculated, completely understood, or appropriately appraised by the offender.     furthermore, ALL Growth in the process of becoming a member of One within the realized Glory of ALL is a product of trial and error, a process of learning through our mistakes, a process of being both the offended and the offender.     thus, how can one who has offended All not be willing to be Forgiving of All if that One comes to desire the synergy of All?     the benefits of a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.     therefore, within the seat of the domain of work is found the hardest work to be accomplished, that of learning to work without the demand of being externally rewarded.     for it is within a forward acting sense of preemptive forgiveness in finite activities that the process of our true and living heritage is able to be assimilated.     How did He say it?     “As you do it unto the least of these you do it unto Me.”     sounds nice to the willing seeker, but to fathom its meaning within a framework of trying to accomplish something is not really fathomable in finite terms.     thus it is a process that unfolds as we forgive those who trespass against that which we perceive as ours…   even though all we have is the result of a gift, and or through a process of discovery.     this domain of the third chakra is symbolized in the old testament as the wanderings in the desert for forty years by the nation of Israel after the crossing of the red sea.     the term of forty is often representative of a testing period or time of process.     the flood of Noah was the result of rain for forty days, Jesus spent 40 days in the desert being tempted after His baptism, both David and Solomon reigned for forty years and there are many other examples of forty.     the Cayce readings say that at the close of that period only three of the people who crossed the red sea made it into the promised land and we know that did not include Moses.     so, it is therefore quite telling that the process of third chakra consciousness is quite transformational – sort of a trial by fire.     the consciousness as symbolized by Moses that rises up against the earthly ego and has what it takes to negotiate the second chakra of water does not survive the third chakra of fire.     and it is interesting to note that the reason he was not allowed to cross into the promised land was his lack of ability to forgive.     he could not accept the imperfection of the people of Israel.     his anger (adrenal aggression) in striking the rock that produced water for the people was what sealed his fate.     by following the Lord’s Prayer as a way in discussing the chakras it has placed the discussion of the third chakra before the second, fire before water.     so, in the sense of the progression of chakra energy it leaves out certain transitional characterizations.     however, it is also helpful because it is hard to really discuss the second chakra without first having in place an understanding of the first and the third because it is the second which seeds (so to speak) conditional human evolutionary growth via its functional principle of being the domain of desire.     this is born out in the endocrine mechanics by the fact that the precursor hormonal process for both the gonads and the adrenals are a function of the cells of Leydig which is the endocrine representative of the second chakra.     thus here, we can say that the capacity to accomplish, the capacity to work, the capacity to control is a function of the third chakra and the adrenal endocrine gland.     however, the desire to express or accomplish these capacities is seeded by the activities of the second chakra.     thus, from these attributes, we then have the ability to see the formation of motivation as a consciousness when the desire to accomplish becomes a realization infused with a sense of purpose which a result of higher domains of consciousness.     this sense of purpose is a product of a domain of consciousness that has to do with the imaginative forces of the sixth chakra which we shall discuss more completely when discussing the second chakra.     for now… in seeking to close these thoughts regarding the third chakra i would like to introduce what is the basis of my personal desire to share these chakra discussions…   something which has been derived by a process of realization that i have gained through a number of years of meditation activities.     simply said, i have come to understand and realize these chakra consciousnesses as domains.     the natural human way of conceptualizing a ‘force’ is to see it as something that is exerted against or upon something.     a dictionary definition of the word ‘force’ is:   a physical power or strength or coercion exerted upon an object.     and the primary thing i wish to convey here is that these chakras, these consciousnesses are not objects, they do not react as ‘states’ and they do not answer to change or influence that could be in any way considered as linear.     by using the word ‘domain’ i am purposefully attempting to discourage a sense of specificity as a way to characterize a given chakra consciousness.     some dictionary definitions for the word ‘domain’ that i feel work for what i am attempting to convey are:   a field or realm of action, thought, influence or range of awareness or responsibility.     and, as a way to further characterize this concept of chakra domain is that i have found through meditaion expreiences that these domains have their own language – a language WITHOUT the use of nouns or verbs.     this is a highly important concept to convey.     no nouns and no verbs in how these chakra energies and consciousnesses communicate one to another or in pairs or groups in the process of affecting change or in the process of engaging a sense of colaboration between any two or more of these chakras.     and, i choose to bring these thoughts within the context of the third chakra because it is within this domain that the concept of earthly control is the most prominent.     it is within the domain of this chakra that there is realized the formation of accomplishment, and yet its tendency to do so is as a material or earthly construct.     and although such is seen as true from a material standpoint, it is in truth an illusion that really is only reinforced by the density of the attachment to such as an experience – an experience that is focalized via a reference point in time and space.     but that of the realm of spirit is not disposed to the limitations of time and space.     thus we begin herein to establish the nature of the differentiation between that of the manifestation of chakra energies and their parallel manifestion in the physical form as expressed via the endocrine system.     in short, one is energy expressed as physical matter and the other is etheric.     so, to attempt to complete this concept of a chakra domain for now…   it is my exprience that a given domain of consciousness for a given chakra can change in the blink of an eye due to an influence from an outside point or domain no matter how small or large the souce of that influence might be.     furthermore, that same domain can remain consistent irregardless of how much influence that may be applied to it.     these domains are not objects.     they do not respond to force or size.     another way to suggest their mechanics is to use the saying:   “it is not What you know, but Who you know”… and in this case How it is that one might Know Whom.     within the context of that saying one might have credentials a mile long and not get inside of a given opportunity, and someone else could come up and seemingly know nothing and get inside through no more than a wink of an eye.     and so… how is it that we would or could characterize methodologies of such communication?     and to this i suggest that it is by that often referred to as “fruits of the spirit”.     by such comodities as patience, compassion, empathy, kindness, long suffereing humility and the like.     such actualities are not of themselves actually doorways or forces, but rather they are methods or ways at arriving at a state of mutual recognition as can be expressed or seen as trust or harmony.     in a mutual state of trust and harmony between the will chakra and the desire chakra a presentation can be made to the third chakra of contol that a given goal is suddenly really not viable.

Lead us Not into Temptation – second chakra, the seat of desire, emblematic of water, the color of orange.     how important is the second chakra to the evolution of human consciousness?     just as important as it was for Moses and the nation of Isreal to cross the red sea before the advancing pharo (the earthly ego) and his army.     the second chakra is desire or the capcity to wish or long for, or to crave.     it is a precursor and a regulator of motivation.     many creature habits that are commonly referred to as addictive are the result of a personal overattachment to something desireable.     such habitual suseptability is reflected in that which is realized as temptation.     yet, who gets anything done without the desire or the motivation to do it?     without water the earth is forever a continuum of energy which is experssed at the slowest frequency of perceptable light and that of dense matter.     it is water that produces sand from rock.     it is water which is key to the transmigration of minerals and nutriants which nurishes the soil and all that grows within it.     it is water that cleanses.     it is water that shapes the mountains and forms the valleys.     it is water which brings reflectivity to the consciousness of the imagination via its pools, ponds and lakes.     it is water and fluids in general that are the breeding domain of life.     without water life does not flow, but once you have flow in human terms, the choice becomes what to do with that flow… how do you express it?     how do you use it?     how do you purify it?     how do you get it to one place from another?     or use it to get yourself from one place to another?     in terms of symbolic consciousness, to be centered in an existence of the density of earth and add the properties water is to redifine everyting about yourself.     just think about it… imagine for a while that your identity is that of a rock.     you can add fire, you can add air and you are still a rock.     but when you add water, you find that over time you can become sand and dirt and eventually begin to grow things.     thus, second chakra energies bring to life the capacity to become, to wish, to desire, to give birth and the like.     the endocrine function associated with the second chakra is the Cells of Leydig, and in so being explains much.     the Leydig cells are present in both male and female reproductive organs.     Leydig cells produce androgen.     Androgens are also the original anabolic steroids and the precursor of all estrogens.     fertility and procreation are not an option without Leydig cells.     likeweise, within human consciousness, it is the desire for a given state of having, or becoming, or controling, or understanding, or demanding, or inventing and so on that is the precursor of the experince of realizing that which was first a process of desire.     thus the forever question becomes: “what would you desire?”     followed by questions of why?     what for?     to what end?     is the expressed desire for self alone?     or for another?     or for all?     together with: how does one effect that which they desire?     for it is not enough to simply desire.     one needs the ability to nurture an outcome from the state of having desired it.     and a context for a considered way for such would be to cook it or to bake it.     ever heard the expression that such and such an idea was a half baked idea?     meaning that the idea had not come into fruition well enough to be useable in accordance to what was desired within in it or of it.     well… the next step up in the chakra chain of consciousness is the chakra symbolized by fire.     and the endocrine gland that is the phisical reflection of the third chakra is the adrenal gland.     and… just as the cells of Leydig have a presence within the reprodcutive organs of the body, so do they have a presence within the innermost layer of the adrenal cortex.     a subset of androgens, adrenal androgens, which includes any of the 19-carbon steroids synthesized by the adrenal cortex and function as weak steroids or steroid precursors.     so, we find that of the forces of desire being resident in both the first and thrid chakras.     thus the choice between self and something higher is beheld in its most becoming expression here in the second chakra.     the choice that is manifest in the option of just How to express, the choice of Where to express creativity.     thus, it is the second chakra that is the chakra of sexuality.     via the use of second chakra enegies is the manifestation of the choice to worship the earth or something higher.     depending upon the activities of the fifth and sixth chakras is the essence of the second chakra expressed.     it is through the use of the fifth chakra, the chakra of will, that the overlay principles of the second and sixth chakras become determined.     the sixth chakra is the seat of the imaginative forces.     thus, if the earthly will so chooses to worship the earth then the result is that earthly desires become the imagination empowered desires of the bodily experience.     the extemities of the will are the arms and hands.     allowed to repose to a natural placement, the hands come into contact with the earthly ego and that of easily being able to stimulate the body for the rewards as found within the stimulation of self.     however, if the arms of the body are brought upwards and the elbows bent in prayer to the Creator on High by seeking to worship that of the Heavenly Name, then that of the hands come into contact with the forehead.     in endorine terms, science has found through studying the brain that circulating levels of androgens can influence human behavior because some neurons are sensitive to steroid hormones.     Androgen levels have been implicated in the regulation of human aggression and libido – all of the instinctual energies and desires that are derived from the id (earthly ego) and normally referred in context to sexual instinct or sexual drive.     numerous reports have shown androgens alone are capable of altering the structure of the brain, but identification of which alterations in neuroanatomy stem from androgens or estrogens is difficult, because of their potential for conversion.     so, to bring the eartly creative forces up through the chakras takes an exercise of Will and Choice and a desire to seek same.     and what happens when such takes place within the symbology of the assention of creative force within the bodily experience?     that of water rises into that of the domain of fire.     therein, that water becomes heated into steam and then can rise upwards into the heart chakra… the Chakra of Air.     the steam becomes clouds and produces the purified water of heavenly rain.     the alternative to a heavenly selfless focus can be that the second chakra of desire remains overly involved with self gratification.     such a life as that is a life that is without traction because the over involvement of water and earth produces mud and that of a muddy nature and existance.     in betweem such polarities of choice are the various expresions of earthly creativity in a progressively aspiring process of spiritual growth.     just look at the all the various combinations of earth, water and fire for creative expressions within the physical world.     pottery, painting, home building, metalurgy, chemistry and havesting to mention but a few.     and always is there the inherent choice:   do we honor self alone or others in that which we create?     what is it that we desire with and through our life?     the Cayce readings state that the biblical promise of:   “behold, I stand at the Door and Kock. if any man answers I will come in and sup with him.” as referring to the second chakra.     that the ‘Door’ is the second chakra.     that you cannot truly ‘move on’ until you can go through that door.     until you can grow beyond that of self.     the yogi Paramahansa Yogananda shares that the second chakra can be used as musel to take creative energy and force or push or squeze energy upwards.     i find in my chakra awarenes that from there i can flash any of the upper chakras with energy.     that it can not only serve as a musel, but as a platform for stimulating any of the upper chakras – especially when usinging it in conjunction with the thrid chakra.     so there is much to explore within the human context of spirituality within the symbology and activies of the second chakra.

Heart Chakra

Deliver us from Evil – this is the Heart chakra, the center through which love is realized and expressed – as well as its opposite polarity of hate.     the heart chakra is emblematic of air.     what does air bring us?     the breath of life and a domain representative of ultimate freedom within the physical realm.     freedom for travel, observation and communication for those who have access to its properties and characteristics.     the permeability of air allows us to experience the light of day and the darkness of night, the warmth of summer and the cold of winter.     air carries the scent of the flower as well as that of decay.     through the air we can receive sound whether that be the singing of a bird or the cursing of an unhappy neighbor.     without the combination of air and light the properties of sight would have little meaning unless you can produce your own light as do the creatures of the deep sea who are self luminous.     as can love, air expands and contracts.     although air is permeable, it also empowers sailing ships, pollen and nematic tools.     without air we would not have fire.     air supports clouds which bring us rain.     and how are these things emblematic of love?     because, in terms of the human condition all of these qualities of air have emblematic correlation within that the of consciousness experiences of human life and circumstance.     how often has a concept been referred to as a ‘breath of fresh air’?     what are the differing qualities of one who is warm hearted versus one who is cold hearted?     does not passion fan the flames of either love or hate?     never doubt the power of love’s ability to motivate someone to reduce obstacles to nothing.     and is not love healing?     “oh, take that bandage off that wound and let the air get to it.”     air carries oxygen which is the cleanser and healer of almost any internal or external ill.     hydrogen peroxide is water (H2O) plus one more molecule of oxygen (H2O2).     because hydrogen peroxide can deliver that extra molecule of oxygen, there are quite a number of successful healing modalities which are based upon the use of it.     the color of the heart chakra energy is green which is the most prevalent color found in nature among growing plants.     green is the color of Chlorophyll which is one of the most important chelates in nature.     it channels the energy of sunlight into chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis.     in photosynthesis, the energy absorbed by chlorophyll transforms carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates and oxygen.     just do an internet search with the word green and see how many healthy, natural, and cleanliness activities are associated with the color of green.     the Cayce readings said to have green around your home even if you have to go outside and paint it on the ground. the endocrine gland associated with the heart chakra is the thymus.     the thymus is involved in the production of the ‘T’ cells of the immune system. want to be healthy?     have a good immune system.     and finally, the heart chakra in its association with the organ of the heart is no accidental coincidence.     just as the heart is at the center of sustaining physical life, so is Love is at the heart of All the consciousness which sustains the Universe.

so, if the heart is such a great place, such a great modality of consciousness, then referring to the heart chakra by prayerfully asking that we be delivered from evil might seem counter intuitive.     however, as it is said: “Wherever your treasure is, there your heart will also be”.     thus, if one’s treasures are confined to that of self, then one’s heart is consumed with the things of self.     and what is evil?     selfishness.     even though the word evil seems harsh, it is actually more a matter of shades and a process of growth.     thus, life is not a matter of either being black or white as if there is a switch in ones heart that is either selfless or selfish.     when i look at the word ‘evil’ i see that it is the word ‘live’ spelled backwards.     so, you could say that evil is a kind of a backwards way to live since love by some fairly observant definitions is a process of giving, expansion, sharing with others, nurturing others and the like.     many graphic definitions of love show energy streaking or shooting out of someone’s heart.     thus it is not a hard conclusion that the expression of love is an outward expression towards others, for others rather than for self alone.     thus the terms selfless rather than selfish.     also… to the degree that disease is an experiential evil, the association with endocrine thymus gland and its immune system productivity is a direct correlation with the idea of being ‘delivered from evil.’

self centeredness is a relative state and just part of the process of life.     if you take the growth process of life, it is only natural to for a child to be self involved because of the need to be come self aware before being able to differentiate between the self and others.     likewise, in the step of becoming and adult through leaving the home there arises the need of having to establish the self in the dog eat dog of life.     therein begins a new beginning in having to start at the bottom of the ladder, learn how to do something, get paid very little and slowly grow towards a time when there might be an abundance in life.     thus, in such times, selfishness is actually an matter of survival.     and, for many, the survival mode remains a habitual mode.     they never let go of trying to better themselves.     they continue accumulating and accumulating or seeking to acquire a better and better life style.     thus survival begins to turn into attributes of power and control, seeking comfort and convenience, feeding the earthly ego.     Thus it is somewhere in the transition beyond the ability to simply and necessarily survive that one becomes more and more capable of learning about a greater sense of balance in terms of the needs of all rather than just the needs of self.     it is the efforts to discipline the differentiation between the needs of self and the needs of all that a prayer that asks that we “Be delivered from evil” becomes more obviously relevant.     by then one tends to be stuck in a mode of self motivated actions via the long nurtured habit to do so.     being ‘delivered’ become appropriate if you have no other established habits to exercise as an option to the choices in life.

this process allows us to see how things work in terms of chakra energy.     our ‘spark’ which is our earthly ego, our beginning and base engine for self awareness that fuels our self expression and self creativity is, in its natural state, a dense energy that tends to be a fixed paradigm, about as mobile as a rock and not only subject to gravity but seemingly the source of it.     nurtured or infused by the second chakra, emancipation and transformation of that energy through the evolution of applied creative forces which are experienced as desire and that of procreation amplify the territory of experience for the first chakra.     then, with the addition of the transformative and rising nature of heat and fire does the amplification of that basic ‘spark’ become even more advanced, more involved and more diverse.     following that are the broader and ever expansive properties air in the form of heart felt realizations which not only bring depth and range to this evolution in consciousness, but such heart realizations breed a very becoming nature to a personal sense of relationship to life and its aesthetics.     yet, without a developed cognitive awareness that all these same principles and experiences are a part and parcel to the lives of other people, it is hard to appropriately identify a personal connection without the exercises that the heart offers.     it is within the domain of the heart and its interactions with the higher aspects of the domains of Will (fifth chakra) and Name (sixth chakra) that a spiritual overview of conscious life is interwoven with the imaginative forces.     the very concept of image with its range of choice and determinate purposes brings the capacity of illumination to the range of conscious properties of desire, control, procreation, accomplishment and so on.     all of this stirs not only an appreciation for the range of life’s possibilities but also a home or a domain for the fruition of such evolving illumination.     thus the heart not only feeds life, but it is a place for life to culminate.

over the years i began to see the Biblical destination of the ‘promised land’ for the people of Israel to be symbolic of the heart chakra.     for, it is one thing to ‘have’ a place for a home, but it is a whole other thing to establish all of the functionalities of that home in order to for it to meet all of the ramifications and needs of life.     there are the social forces, the needs of daily sustenance, the ability to not only sustain but defend or protect and insure that such provisions of life are foundational and not just a luxury.     these factors have their internal and external attributes and therefore must deal with balancing oppositional parameters of needing water but not too much, needing heat but not too much, needing to be creative but having to live with that which is created, finding value and purpose in relationships but having to make arrangements and concessions with how they manifest.     furthermore, there is the constant need to plant and replant, build and rebuild the domain of the heart because of the constant evolution throughout the range of a continually expanding cognitive set of awareness that come as of the result of exercising choices because today’s solutions are always tomorrows problems.     nothing is static.     just as the child grows up to be able to facilitate the self in the relatively safe domain of the home and neighborhood environment, then that child becomes something of a child again by having to go out into the world at large and start all over.     thus, the ‘promised land’ is always already beset with internal and external obstacles that must be understood, managed and sometimes overcome in order to establish a home where some statement of harmony can be made.     in the biblical land of Canaan there were seven nations that Israel led by Joshua had to conquer.     seven nations, seven chakras.     it is within the heart chakra that all the chakras must be able to come together in perfect harmony in order for that symbolic perfect six pointed star to manifest.     these are depicted as the battles of Joshua because within self it is a constant battle to marshal all the various forces of consciousness in order to evolve to the point where one can be in harmony with self, others and Our Creator because we are always making attachments to this and that step along the way.     thus we are constantly having to learn to manage our gains or let go of past ones to make room for new ones.

is it worth it?

many years ago when i was rummaging around within myself for answers to life, i was troubled by how to look at sexuality with a sense of purpose or understanding that gave me a way to deal or look at it because there is no way to confront life without dealing with it.     this was very important to me because i had just come out of a marriage where sexuality was the only consistent trading card of exchange that had been offered to me by my marriage partner.     sex is something that is idolized and hyped and fantasized about to such an extreme that its importance cannot be ignored.     furthermore, you cannot watch a movie or read a book or listen to some story in life about love where sex is not referred to as something magical and THE process of Making Love.     however, after having been very sexual for five years with a marriage partner with complete dedication to having and wanting a home i came out of the experience as being depleted by the fact that all that sex had done nothing for improving the core issues of compatibility that were obvious when the marriage had begun.     thus… i had this growing sense within myself that sex was not the ‘magic’ that it was advertised as being.     so, then… what do i do about it?     i wanted to know the answer to this question.

well, i got two answers that i began to work on.     the first answer i found was in an Edgar Cayce reading that asked: “how long will it be before mankind learns to not engage in sexual activities with someone unless they feel that that person would make a good father or mother to the children that could come from that activity?”     i just cannot share how much concern that message lifted from my consciousness at that time.     it took the whole subject of sexuality out of a context of it being right or wrong, good or bad, selfish or unselfish, popular or unpopular and placed it into a context of purposefulness.     and it made sense.     no need to be overly judgmental about someone.     just take time to get to know someone to the extent that supported a positive answer to what was important about being a parental partner.     i mean, just the subject matter itself necessarily brings up subjects that necessitate explorations of self and the other person over a whole range of mental, emotional and at least moral if not spiritual subjects.     i thought to myself at the time that:   “hey… it might take a year or so more to run into someone like that, but it would be worth the wait.”     i mean, it just made good sense to me.     however… after a few years it became quite obvious that nobody out there even slightly cared about talking about any such subject.     what everybody wants to know is whether or not you are going to be “FUN” to be with or not.     and the answer to that most popular question is sought in a context that needs the quickest reply possible.     so… i began to start asking myself:   “why is everybody in such a big hurry to get into trouble?     and by trouble, i mean such issues as birth control or not, sexually transmitted diseases and the whole thing about not actually finding such things as true friendship or emotional fulfillment.     wearing a condom just never seemed like an actual answer to such deep issues.     if protection is needed in order to satisfy self, then maybe the issue is within self to begin with.     after a while i came to the simple conclusion that the only true form of birth control was self control.     but try and have fun talking like that to people in a normal social context.     it goes about as far as offering someone a used paper towel for a napkin at meal time.

the other answer i got to my question was that there was this whole gestational nature to consciousness as indicated by the subject of chakras.     and although it was a deep, seemingly very scattered and ethereal subject, at its foot print says that there are these seven points of energetic consciousness which begin with the raw base energy of the gonads and ends up at the other end with total spiritual illumination.     Well… yeah… i thought:   “i’ll take a ticket to that movie.”     but it is a long journey from casually connecting a line from chakra numero uno to chakra numero sevenish. but since it became obvious that i was not getting far on the sexual highway, i had plenty of time.

so, for about twenty-three years or so, i kicked around this subject and read many books and watched life with great interest.     in fact, life itself became like an open book.     i found a great sense of synchronicity that developed concerning when and where i would get my next piece of information that would fit really nicely with everything i had learned up to that point. and these experiences just kept encouraging me to continue to explore life and how its energy source actually worked instead of being a slave to it.     thus, about ten years ago, something happened of a positive nature in my heart chakra that i had never read about in Any book, and it changed the texture of my entire life.     i had a heart chakra opening one morning that was so uplifting, so fulfilling so surprising… it was an experience that went beyond anything that i had even imagined myself to be seeking.     in comparison to a gonadal orgasmic sensation it was much more satisfying and complete.     it was so astounding, that i have no choice but to talk about it here in this section about the heart chakra.

first, i would like to give some background that i feel is important to understand because the timing of the experience was sort of an answer to a circumstance in life.     i had been working on a human project for quite some time and the effort was at a crossroads.     i had built my business up to the point where there was some discretionary cash.     and the whole purpose of even starting the business was to make money in order to do good things in life for others – save the world type of stuff.     my first big chance to live out that dream had been a project that involved three ladies who were wanting to start a youth center in this small town i was living in.     after a year of meetings every sunday, and having spent about $40,000, it turns out that at least two of the three ladies were growing pot and selling it to the very kids we were supposedly organized to help.     well, the two ladies never denied those activities and just claimed that the first lady was only telling me this because she wanted to get rid of them and have the whole project to herself.     this turned out to be fairly true because a few months after the other two ladies were out of the picture, the one lady began attacking me also to where i had to remove myself from the project.     thus, the morning i experienced this heart chakra opening was the day that she and i were supposed to meet with a moderator to try and save the relationship.     and, just after i had my heart chakra opening i received a call from the moderator person that the lady had backed out of the meeting which essentially meant the end of my involvement in the youth center activities which in of itself was a hugely disappointing turn of events.     so it both felt and was interpreted by me that having the heart chakra experience was sort of a counteractive blessing.     it sort of felt like the good i was trying to serve through the culmination of all of those selfless and purposeful efforts came through in a personal way from some other dimension other than through that of the ‘here and now’ dimension.     meaning, (as i saw it) that even though i was meditating and stuff for many years, the trigger for having this first and fairly dramatic heart chakra experience was the fact that i had put my whole heart into these efforts.     sort of like the saying: you get out of life what you put into it.

soooo… the morning of the experience, i was lying on my back and just waking up.     and as i was starting to become present and conscious, i felt a finger sort of reaching down from above and touching me via my heart chakra.     then, it started stirring around as if you would stick your finger into a bucket of paint and began to stir the paint by slowly swirling it.     the feeling of the Presence of that Finger in my heart chakra was very reassuring as that of a Friend.     and as this finger started to stir the energy of my heart chakra it was as if there was tiny bits of star dust twinkling around along the edges of the stirred energy.     imagine that the exampled bucket of paint was a deep blue and you had poured some white paint with shinny glitter into the bucket.     then imagine that you place your finger into that glittery white paint and begin to stir slowly in a pretty tight circle.     well, the swirls of white glittery paint would sort of start to streak around and produce patterns of swirls in the blue paint.     thus making swirling shades of bluish white paint with streaks and varying enhancements of sparkling tingles of light from the glitter.     that would be a graphic representation of the energetic experience that i was feeling that morning while lying there in my bed.     it continued to develop over a period of fifteen to twenty minutes into the most personally enchanted sensations and feelings that i had ever experienced.     needless to say… when the moderator person called a little later about the disappointing cancellation which meant the end of my involvement with the youth center… it was not of much concern to me.

like i said, that was about ten years ago and my heart chakra experiences have continued to be an important theme in my life ever since.     after that first experience i continued to have various mornings where i would wake up to these these experiences.     but, i never had the finger part of the experience happen after that.     it was as if the finger experience had been the initiation into such experiences which left open an etheric portal from the land of stardust down into my body through my heart chakra.     because from then on, for a year or more, i would just wake up to these experiences on various mornings.     some of these were so strong that i literally felt that i was breathing through my heart chakra instead of my nostrils.     that air which was supercharged with etheric stardust was literally going right through my heart and into my lungs, being absorbed and making its way into various other parts of my body.

these experiences would be SO Captivating that i would not want to move or get up out of bed because i knew that becoming immersed again into the physical world would quickly begin to dilute the experience.     however, over the years i have learned how to keep the experience alive.     i remember one day in portland oregon of managing to be able to get up out of bed, get dressed and make it all the way to a home depot, buy something and get all the way back while still maintaining enough of the etheric tingling in the area of my heart to say to myself that i had managed to remain in some level of consistent attunement despite the physical demands of the trip.     that was a real accomplishment.

later, while in portland i began to learn how to instigate a heart chakra opening by my own volition instead of being gifted into them upon waking up in the morning.     i could talk a long time about all of this because i have these many years of experiences to draw from.     but i think that will have to be a different time or place within my sharings on this site somewhere.     i would rather like to conclude this sharing by saying something about where it seems that i am at in the present time.     and that is that with the growth in these experiences has come the awareness of these experiences spilling over into all of my other chakras.     all of my other chakras in various manners now have experiences of energetic stimulations, forms of etheric tingling, awakenings, flashes of illuminary types of feelings or sensations across the board so to speak.     these spill-over experiences began with the heart chakra experiences expanding up into the region of the sixth (Christ Name) chakra.     as those experiences began to become fuller and fuller, i could begin to see how to sort of flash other chakras with this upper vibratory energy from the combined forces of the fifth and sixth chakras.     these as well as other meditative experiences have been an ongoing growth that has had quite a number of fits and dead ends.     at times this has made me feel like a total conscious failure.     and the best way i can ascribe a sense of understanding regarding the experiencing some huge lows within such highs is that we humans by nature are finite beings in a finite world.     that because of the nature of finite and temporal consciousness there are attachments which are constructed of these finite realities.     furthermore, all growth towards Christ consciousness (which is what i think these experiences are about) necessitates getting past the fundamental nature of the earthly ego.     it is the earthly ego that is concerned with progression, with progress, with things needing to make sense, with the need to feel some justification for why something seems to be happening or not.     it is the earthly ego that is concerned about the necessity of sustainability.     not that i think that any of these earthly functions of temporal consciousness are invalid or incorrect in their time and place… it is just that once you begin to leave the ground (so to speak), once you start to get beyond gravity with respect to your inner conscious reality, you necessarily have these experiences of dying to the temporal world.     And That Can Be Unexplainably Disorientating and Frustrating.

So – at this point i wish to correlate matters which concern the heart versus the habitual matter of the gonadal experience in the context of what is referred to or considered as “Making Love”.     i want to try and do this because i feel that sexuality has a natural place in the growth of the soul through the process of embodiment.     however, as the soul grows through these experiences there comes a time when a greater range of option and expression become necessary.     the rather fixed and limiting nature of the gonadal experience comes about through the use of the infinite nature of creative force being applied to thought forms and goals that do not serve the expansive outreach that is ultimately desired by the soul.     thus, what was once satisfying and validating to ones expression of and experiences in life becomes inhibiting.     it is sort of like having a bunch of tools that you need to do something.     if you do not have a tool belt that can carry around all the tools that you have acquired to do your job, then each time you are done with one tool you have to set it down and go get another tool.     after a while you accumulate so many tools that you end up spending a lot of time going around looking for your tools.     furthermore, if the only place you have to place your tools when you do not need them is the ground, you can end up even tripping over them while in the process of thinking or imagining your next activity.     thus i use the ground as emblematic of the earth chakra because things and mental images created through the use of that energy are naturally heavy compared to the necessities that become idealisticly envisioned by an aspiring spiritual soul.     it is a simple process of evolution.     in fact, thre is an Edgar Cayce reading which says that the human condition will eventually evolve to the point where gonadal sex is not the method for procreation.     that the example of the ‘immaculate conception’ will some day become the norm.     yet, for now, i want to address where or how it is that i see things working.

first let me share what are the results of my experiences regarding what i call experiences of culmination.     i use the word ‘culmination’ as a way of referring to the gonadal orgasm.     this is because i see that the orgasm itself is the result of a number of factors which have to do with stimulating the self through a process of various states or combinations of desire, imagination, interactions with a possible other person, physical mechanics, focus, motivation and so on.     in fact, just living life itself and having to deal with its accumulation of stress, anxiety, hopes, fears and various forms of excitement can in itself build quite a reservoir of energy that needs to have some kind of a release.     thus, through various combinations of stimuli, a reserve, an accumulation of energy becomes apparent within the bodily consciousness.     this bodily consciousness is something like a balloon – meaning that one can only stand so much of a an accumulation of this aroused energy before something needs to be done with it or about it, just as a balloon can only expand so far before it bursts.     thus, it is natural to seek a release.     this release has a number of options.     the normal physical path is to seek what i call a culmination within the gonadal experience that is experienced as an orgasm – as sort of a fruition to a cycle of having interacted with this energy.     another word for this is the word climax.     finite temporal consciousness is real comfortable with having beginnings and endings.     it sort of allows us to make object lessons out of life that allows us some sense of independence, understanding and accomplishment.

however, all energy is a function of Creative Force.     it has its source in none other than Our Creator.     any religious or spiritual text says that Love and God are one in the same expression or phenomenon.     thus, even though we in this earthly experience are living with and through a temporal bodily consciousness, the very source of all of our energetic experiences is Infinite.     and, it is being maintained here that the overall purpose of this temporal existence is to slowly learn to fathom the true nature of our soul which is infinite.     thus, through the usage of the second chakra we have a choice.     either continue to invest in the concept of a temporal reality, or seek to invest in a timeless reality and awareness.    meaning that each time we exercise the use of creative force in conjunction with the earth chakra we are choosing a fixed energetic energy point or destination for our expression of creative force.     furthermore, this use comes at a cost.     every time we activate the use of creative force in a fashion that culminates in a context that is earthly we are essentially using an infinite resource to buy something temporal, something finite, something that has a fixed connotation to it – an experience that has a climax to it.     thus, each time this is done it reinforces the concept of gravity, it reinforces that there is an end to life, that it has a terminus, that life has limitations.     in short, even death itself is a fabric of temporal consciousness that is not real for death itself is but a transition.

however, as we seek to learn how to relax our temporalities, learn to find other options for our releases, learn to allow our accumulations of bodily and conscious energies to have a more creative and ultimately more peaceful goal or purpose, the more will our waters of life begin to seek and realize a higher purpose in life.     the more our second chakra modality begin to combine forces through self control and a positive use of the third chakra towards a culmination in the heart chakra the more one moves towards having what i call an orgasm in the heart chakra.     a different point of culmination in the use of creative force.     speaking from my experiences of these heart chakra openings and experiences, they are sort of like the reciprocal of the gonadal orgasm.     in my experience, when a gonadal orgasm happens it is like getting stung, it is quite a sudden impact of a good feeling.     then, at some point afterwards, this feeling begins to trail off, begins to dissipate into a feeling of becoming very relaxed.     this often results in going to sleep very peacefully.     however, the reciprocal nature of a culminating experience in the heart chakra is one which starts our slowly and then grows and grows.     the experience gets better and better, lasts longer and longer.     not only the opposite of a gonadal climax, but there is really no climax to it.     the more of them that you have, the more you begin to find that you can do with them.     furthermore, as i have stated earlier, the energy becomes useful to other chakras, such that even their usage begins to take on shades of an orgasmic or quickened nature.

soooo… over time i have drawn a number of conclusions as to why and how sexuality is not the magic wand that we are led to believe.

generally speaking, love relationships tend to run out of gas and become less exciting over time because the two partners are using their infinite creative forces to have temporal experiences.     all relationships have karma.     they have both the need and the potential to resolve growth issues in life.     and it is my analysis that the Love that brought them together can be used to resolve these karmic issues.     as an analogy, i sort of see it like starting a business.     you need a certain amount of capital to get things started.     so, likewise in a love relationship, the love that draws two people together is like the capital that is needed to start a relationship.     then, if that capital is spent going out and having a lot of fun instead of managing it thoughtfully, then eventually (depending upon how much capital there was to begin with) the demands of the business or relationship begin to become more and more problematic.     thus, like a lot of businesses, relationships fail or continue on for a long time through great struggle as the capital starts to run dry if the returns from the activities of the relationship do not replenish the batteries of life.     thus, the more that two people take the love that drew them together and use it to Invest in each other towards a growing understanding the more that the very source of that love can, of its own volition, solve karmic issues.

if two people use their attraction for each other through the use of the principle of hovering they can learn to manage how that love energy flows in and through them.     it is no secret when affection between two people raises its red flag and begins to clamor for a gonadal climax.     yet, if at that moment those two people would back off just enough to where they are still feeling excited to be with each other but not being pushed by the demands of the a gonadal culmination, then that energy will have to go somewhere.     and the natural movement for that energy is to work its way UPWARDS.     it is the reciprocal of gravity.     you can think of it as a ‘spiritual’ gravity.     if two people learn how to ALLOW that energy to flow instead of POSSESSING what to do with it, then it will work its way up through the third chakra of its own accord.

thus is the symbolism of Moses crossing the red sea and being chased by the earthly pharo.     it is the habitual demands of self that it possess the moment and control the potential for something known and familiar that is the challenge.     that sense of the earthly ego will die within the struggle of overcoming the desire within the second chakra, the chakra of water just as the pharo and his army died chasing Moses.     and it is the very energy that draws two people together that is the force that can cause the waters to separate and allow the crossing beyond the waters.

to the degree that any success is experienced, then that energy will redirect the priorities of the second chakra and will make its way into the third chakra.     this redirecting happens as a result of modifying the desires from a temporal focus to a kind of a discovery focus.     the willingness to become aware of a more timeless expansion of the warmth and sense of love two people find when being in each others company.     in this process, the expansionary nature of the experiences of creative will lead each to their own discoveries and understandings regarding both self and the other.     in so doing, this expansive energy will lead to a resolution of the very karma which would have otherwise stifled the relationship.     this happens because the third chakra is the key to karma interaction.     how is it said in the Prayer?     “Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors”.     our debts is our karma.     make no mistake about it.     and if enough love energy makes its way up into this center, then such resolution can be the result of simple affection between the two people.     how is it said?     “Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Land of OZ”.     and what color is the third chakra?     Yellow.

couples who make it a long way through their marriage usually do so by making energetic agreements.     i do this and you do that.     this is my deal and you have your deal.     that is a direct result of the fact that nothing is free in life.     to go about spending energy for fun more than for purpose leaves each partner exposed to the costs of having done so.     thus, if they stay together, they learn how NOT to be together, where NOT to impose their togetherness upon their individualities because they have built all these fixed parameters in their use of creative force.     when gonadal energy is used to support a mentally imaginative creation, that creation in necessarily temporal, acquires a fixed perspective that is subjective to the time and place of its expression.     whereas a mentally imaginative creation that is fueled by heart chakra energy, all the perspectives regarding that creation are optional – meaning that your view of it can evolve over time because the place from which you can garner a perspective is changeable.     you have the option of movement because you are not tied to the ground and neither is your creation – both positions are flexible.     there is yogic text which says that through heart chakra openings you an view your external world in a 360 degree manner.     thus it is often this inflexibility with respect to viewpoints when faced with the dynamics and demands of karma and everyday necessities that arguments and violence enters into such relationships.     karmic polarities and demands will make their presences known if you do not have way to deal with them or a place for them to go or evolve.     the energy that makes it past the third chakra and its propensity to realize through properties of control is reclaimed in the heart chakra as a manifestation of Useable Love.     what is the heart chakra?     Air.     thus, that which were fixed points of relationship protocol, that says you do this and i do that so that we do not bash our heads together, becomes OPTIONAL when viewed and worked though the nature of the heart chakra!     it can really be that simple.     it is really much more than semantics.     it is part of the natural process of spiritual growth through the use of the fruits of the spirit – that of kindness, patience, trust, mutual support, understanding, long suffering, compassion, empathy and so on.     but such things take Energy.     thus it is the choice in each and every big and small moment:   “do i want it ALL Now? or…. am i willing to wait for it to Grow in terms of how i view the Face of the One I Love within the domain of My Heart?


For Thine Is The Kingdom, The Power, and The Glory Forever. Amen.

For Thine Is The Kingdom – fifth chakra:
everyone talks about the third eye – it sounds so mystical.     but the import of the fifth chakra as being the ‘Kingdom’ i think is often overlooked.     first of all, we are not from ‘here’ – meaning the earth.     this is only a proving ground for something far better.     thus it is helpful to remember that spirituality is not just a song, or a memory, or being good on sundays – it is a Place, a Kingdom.     in my chakra experiences, the fifth chakra is the most elusive to quantify.     and in thinking about it over time i have come to attributing to it a quality of quiet strength.     a type of strength that you just do not challenge, that does not demean, that does not threaten, that does not accomplish through getting excited.     a strength that accomplishes by the very fact that it just IS.     i have learned this by often reverse engineering the workings of the six pointed star.     it is the job of the fifth chakra (that of will) to overlay the third chakra (that of power in the earth).     the third chakra is the most forceful chakra we have.     yet i have noticed through meditations and through living with daily chakra energy activity that the strength of the fifth accomplishes through simple superiority and without an inner necessity to defend itself.     a quite strength without a need or a necessity to express either direction, justification or correctness – it just is.     and when i have needed to rely upon it to quiet or to shut down an unruly third chakra, that is just exactly what i did – i relied upon it and to my awe to just happened that way.     it just happened that the third chakra would just back off as if it was someone who was shouting in a closed room with lots of echo power and then was asked to go outside and prove itself – a place with no walls, no physical limits… a transition from a place with calculative limits to a place with limitless horizons.     and just like that the solar plexus can be tamed through a self realization of its own relative insignificance.     there have been a few times when i have seen ‘in’ to the energy field of the fifth chakra, but very rarely and i would not know how to explain it – which is a god thing because if i did, then the third chakra would start to try and figure out how to control it.     but it cannot.

For Thine Is The Power – sixth chakra:
in my opinion, this has to be the most Important chakra because it is just so Key.     the seventh represents forever and home, but what good is that if you cannot find it?     if you cannot name it?     if you have not what it takes to get there?     well, we are talking about the ultimate power of spiritualized imagination here with the sixth chakra.     we are talking vision.     we are talking the ability to Name the Name.     we are talking about the ability to have a handle upon the infinite, and for it to thus be usable within the constructs of the finite.     this is ultimate power within the material realm.     so in going from the fifth chakra to the sixth we are talking about going from a quiet unfathomable strength to ultimate ability and functionality.     just the crossfire between those two concepts is mind boggling to me.     i mean…. what else do we need?     but to remember these in any plausible context possible while seeking it in the time left over.

For Thine Is The Glory Forever. Amen. – seventh chakra:

this is the omega portion of the crown

upper and lower are in a constant need to harmonize which for most of us means that much of the time we are in the middle of a struggle between these two – one being a necessity (the lower/outer stuff) and the other being a timeless ever purposeful consciousness (the upper/inner stuff).     with regard to these terms there are many aspects of language which can be used to describe these two aspects, or worlds or expressions of life.     the outer or lower world can variably be termed as the world of form, earthly consciousness, materiality, necessity, left brain and temporal reality to name a few.     the upper or inner world can variably be termed as heavenly, spiritual, astral, etheric, formless, timeless, right brain, infinite reality and so on.     furthermore, these terms as well as these writings regarding the Lord’s Prayer and the chakras in general are focused towards a positive goal with respect to life in general.     but that is not to say that there are not many negative counterpart states.     anything done for selfish reasons will have selfish results.     the Cayce source use to say that if we can have a personal savior, then we can also have a personal devil.     thus there was always the warnings with regard to being careful to what and whom it is that you open your self and your life to.     and i bring this up here in the omega section of the prayer because this is a good working place to ascertain just how it is that your upper and and lower worlds are integrating or not.     this is especially true in this very active period of NOW, in these times of a closing Epoch of cycles.     we are all here in ‘earth school’ to learn how to live and every now and then there is a semester test that everybody gets to take in order to see how they are doing with life and themselves, to see if they are comfortable with moving on to learning the next dance ensemble of growth experience or maybe stay behind and practice stuff that they maybe have not yet grasped.     because, as it is always seems to be, that many of us have procrastinated some of the more difficult priorities, or are finding that we have been taking some short cuts that are not holding up very well in terms of our internal mechanics.     thus, some of us are staying up all night and trying real hard to get ‘clear’ on some important stuff.     understanding more about your crown chakra and some of how it works will help with these spiritual priorities within the perspectives of our earthly necessities – even if it means that we find that we need to adjust what and how it is that we relate to these earthly necessities.     thus, it is within this omega section of the prayer that we have a working laboratory for the benefit of assessing and reassessing the nature of our spiritual priorities in such a way as to hopefully become more clear on how to better affect a way to be more in step with the intent and usefulness of the alpha section of the prayer as it is being practiced in the body of the prayer.

the ultimate goal is to be an active participant within the concept of being ‘One With God’ – an active patience will supersede passive patience.     it is within the omega section of the prayer that we give cause to the reality of such a lofty goal.     it is herein that we find and realize the ascension of an expansive awareness.     the ‘Glory for Ever’ comes in successive installments – each of which either takes the roof off of the last temple of understanding or rebuilds it.     the chicken and the egg become nonlinear because you start to find them to be interchangeable.     such concepts, revelations and discoveries cannot rest within a house comprised of selfish desires.     manifest desires and spiritual intent must become reflections of one another.     such biblical sayings as ‘thy eye must be single’ and ‘have no other idols before Me’ are not just a good thought or idea, they are doorways.     the quest for the Holy Grail and the Grail itself are one in the same experience.     dissolution and creation are interchangeable within Oneness.     Christ asked that we pick up our Cross and follow Him.     material form is but emblematic of real Truth because real Truth is formless.     those who get lost in dogma became infatuated with the gift rather than getting to know and understand the Giver.     all religious wars are fought by participants who behold firmly to the ‘letter’ of the law rather than bending like the ‘reed in the wind’ within the ‘spirit’ of the law.

it is within the context of crown chakra experiences that we must learn how to claim our living truth by finding our truer selves within the mirror of life.     what happens within self when the reflection in the mirror begins to take a different step or move in a different manner than us?     how does one follow a reflection that comes alive as if we were expendable?     and at such a point in consciousness which or ‘whom’ should we follow?     such questions and their answers can only arise safely out of an honesty found within a context of Thy Ideal.     an Ideal by nature is ever evolutionary – a mold without form.     the Cayce source was once asked how does one know whether a psychic source was a good source or not?     and the answer was: “Does the information help you to become a better mother or a better father or a better teacher or better at whatever your Ideal may be?     that is the test and that is the nature of the interplay that must be effectively experienced between the inner and outer worlds of self.     such is the nature and the risks of growth in awareness.     such are the metaphors within the process of one’s fifth chakra spiritual kingdom overlaying the controlling prerequisites of third chakra demands and formulas.     such are the metaphors within the process of sixth chakra vision overlaying second chakra desires.     such are the metaphors of seventh chakra formlessness overlaying and replacing first chakra gonadal necessity to have a this or that place for life to be known and experienced.

just because we are looking to grow beyond our finite understandings does not mean that we should accept something that seems senseless or unfathomable or seemingly facilitates life without foundation.     just because the crown chakra is a portal into the realm of spirit and a window to our spirit guide or guides does not mean that anything experienced through our crown chakra is perfect and a product of the ‘Most High’.     one should never be afraid to question either the source or the content of guidance.     there are ‘many mansions’ in the world beyond and not all of them are in good neighborhoods.     always question authority and be willing to validate whatever answers which come to any question.     a True God will be Ever Humble to the loving needs of any spark who is seeking knowledge of its identity.   if something seems too good to be true then maybe it is.     i have had a number of experiences where i discovered that the data and the intent did not hold up to simple questioning.     there are beings which seek to manipulate residents of this earthly realm for their own purposes.     there is scam in this world because it exists in the world beyond.     knowledge that does not work is not good knowledge.     no unreliable source can fake truth.     only impatience can find acceptability in something that is not acceptable.     a ‘Glory’ that can last ‘Forever’ is certainly capable of surviving the questioning of a temporal mind and heart.     the Cayce source was once asked how to tell if something was of God or not.     the reply was that if something is truly of God it will naturally humble you.     always remember that God does not tempt, and the understanding of God Heals.     Cayce use to say that we live in a three dimensional world of time, space and patience and the one we are here to learn is Patience.     so be patient with God and His offerings in order to see that they are actually of Him.     shallow answers cannot pass the tests of depth.     God is Love.     it has been said that the only cup that can truly hold Love is the cup of Peace.     no other cup can contain True Love without becoming corrupt through self excitement of the possibilities of such Love.     thus He was called the Prince of Peace.     so seek the knowledge of God with a comparable Heart, a comparable body, mind and soul.     the Whole Law as He gave it is:   Love the Lord thy God with all of thy heart, mind and soul and thy neighbor as thy self.     thus all of life becomes a process of learning your relationship with yourself, others and God.

thus this place of ‘Glory Forever’ is ever present and awaiting within all the growth requirements and experiences as found active within the body of the Lord’s Prayer. as in the photosynthesis properties of the leaf and the flower as they live a life of urning towards the warmth of the sun, so it is within the alpha aspects of the prayer that we have that as lived out and lived ‘for’ aspect of the prayer.     while… within the omega aspects of the prayer we have the capacity of actually assessing the embodiment of that warmth within us as do the leaf and the flower of the plant makes use of the warmth of the sun.     it is one thing to seek and yet another thing entirely to actually find – especially when that which is found dispels the very form and the very nature of that one which sought.     thus the letter of the law becomes lost in the spirit of its essence because that essence is Glorious in all it timeless aspects as it supersedes the need to be glorious here or there.     such is the Glory of the Ever Creative Word of God – the OOOOHHHMMMM in Amen.

* * *

Expanded Heart Chakra Discussion

this heart chakra thing can be so beautiful to experience and learn from…   can be soooo fulfilling that i am impelled to share it.     everybody and all kinds of texts say to ‘Follow Your Heart’…   but it is just a bunch of words until your heart actually opens up and over-flows upward and outward within your being – physically, consciously, upwards through you mental faculties, upwards through your upper chakras, spilling over and down through your solar plexus…   thus i feel i need to try and share what it is that i am learning about it.     and one area of conversation that i will seek to share with are things i have found that have proved to be very helpful within Kabbalistic thought and understandings.     that stuff has proved to be really prophetic in an experiential and meaningful way.     but before i get to that, i just want to say, that even though the best that i can really do is share a bunch of words, do your best to follow what the words seem to mean to you in a positive manner.     and i say this not to just say it…   but i say this because i am always having to say it to myself!     and i will tell you why as an intro to how to understand what it is that i am trying to share.

First of All: one might think that if this stuff feels So Good to experience, and even though in the past ten plus years of these heart chakra experiences i have learned how to stimulate them myself instead of just waiting for the next batch of them…   one might ask:   “How come i don’t spend 24/7 in that state?”     and the answer is that i realized that it is just a state along a path to even Better Stuff.     that all the things that it takes to allow the experiences or to keep them flowing once they are happening all go into and work towards them happening better.     AND Furthermore:   the whole idea of possibly doing them or stimulating them just for the sake of Having them is in itself a Selfish Paradigm – as in anything for the sake of itself is limited to itself.     AND, the Why one would seek to do that is in itself a hangover from gonadal tendencies and gonadal thought – a desire to possess, manage and control something.     and of course, as soon as you mention ‘control something’ you are also referring to solar plexus modalities and principles.     such conditions, such desires (second chakra) are best met through karmic pattern resolution – meaning that i see the periods of languishing in times of not experiencing these wonderful heart chakra openings as periods of overall personal growth – part of the ‘follow your heart’ scenario.

for me, i am slowly growing into an understanding of spiritual growth as anything that lends itself towards experiential understandings that transcend the normal finite limitations of materialized time and space in a manner that is in harmony with what is generally referred to as Christ consciousness – a consciousness that is in step with the greater needs of All.     in many texts i have often seen Christ or that as manifested into the earth through Christ Jesus as ‘The Great Intermediator’.     and i think that is a very interesting term because it says to me that although there may be Many definitions of goodness or purposefulness, that He succeeded in being able to cross reference all such modalities no matter their particular differentiations.     how is it said?     that every snow flake is different than the next?     well so is each and every soul.     thus each and every soul has had its own path of meaningful growth, its own set of particulars which evidenced what it means to ‘follow ones heart’ – thus its own set of customs which allow Love to Flow, its own personal inner language of meaningfulness.     thus, when i hear the Christ being referred to as ‘The Great Intermediator’ it indicates to me a modality that has learned through Love how to interact with all such individual soul needs and understandings which allows for a meaningful ability to allow cross timing of sincere communications of value and import.     thus, since throughout the universe there may be many forms of materiality and many forms of learned manners of working through such formalities towards an ability to rise above or beyond such limitations is why i say that spiritual growth is anything that moves beyond finite limitations of materialized time and space.     thus, if one is going to get the most out of heart chakra experiences, one must value such growth in a manner that is beyond the restrictive gravitational particulars of gonadal energy.     thus, since all such limitations tend to be the result of (for us earthlings) previous earth experience or habits, if you Wait till the time and place of the next heart chakra opening, that opening will drag up out of your past that necessary to heal and to resolve such gravitational limitations.     this will happen automatically because the energy for the heart chakra opening that Best relates to the full transitional nature of ones finite consciousness will be drawn from the gonads themselves.     thus it all happens like one brushing their hair – meaning that each heart chakra opening that is arrived at through spiritual seeking will naturally fuel itself by drawing up energy from that innate spark of the Creator that rests naturally within the gonads.     so each properly allowed heart chakra opening naturally resolves needed karmic patterns just as one would brush out tangles in ones hair.     it is infallible if thy eye be single in the search for that consciousness that is Universal in Love as has been exampled by Him and or Any of His Friends – of which there are Many

i think i also need to expand on the theme that spiritual growth has to do with transcending the normal finite limitations of materialized time and space.     and this has to do with the fact that inherent with the nature of consciousness is the ability to reckon ones self image to this transition.     if one cannot maintain a handle on ones self image, then there is nothing left to value within the process, because, to put it bluntly, a loss of ones self image equates to a lack of sanity.     in reading most yogic texts you will find that you should not try to become as they are by yourself.     this is said as a warning.     to back that up, some texts say that as many as eighty percent of those who follow the yogi path go insane.     and this relates to the fact that something like five or six of the eight steps to becoming a yogi have to do with morality – the disciplining of self.     meaning that to seek such expansions of consciousness necessitates as much inner purity and single mindedness that one can muster.     and this easily ties back into the Lord’s Prayer for the heart chakra when it says “Deliver Us from Evil” – the evil heart… a heart that is easily given to such things as greed, envy, avarice and the like.     it is born out as well as depicted in the battles that the nation of Israel fought under the leadership of Joshua upon entering the ‘Promised Land’ – the land of the heart chakra.     so it is not just yogic texts that give such warnings.     even Carl Jung states right up front not to try and work through his Anima process of reckoning the self to ones subconscious as a loner – that a good personal foundation in ones outer life is needed in order to withstand the drama of the inner life.     the Cayce readings say over and over that the Law is ‘That we are always meeting Self.’     so, it is the self image that much survive the ascendant process from a finite reality towards a boundless nature in the expression of time and space.     my motivation for saying this about the self image is that i often find that after a period of open heart chakra activity there is a period of catching my breath so to speak.     a period of needing to reconnect with myself as sort of a new self, or as a self in a new and different place.     this can often manifest as a sense of being disoriented.     such experiences can be a matter of tension and stress for the lower chakras – especially the solar plexus whose take on the self image thing is one of being in control of the earth…   having a sense of power in the earth experience.     however, if your earthly domain is all of a sudden shifted to some degree, then that aspect of self can easily feel like it is ‘out of control’.     and in such circumstances i find that the easiest way to handle this is to relax and source self through a second chakra opening that is empowered via its upper counter part, the sixth chakra.     this connection of the sixth and second chakras is something that reverberates naturally if your heart has already sourced your imaginative forces.     thus the seat of desire (the second chakra) is easily fed by such positive imaginative forces and then automatically raises energy from the gonads to fuel the needed spiritualized imaginative blueprint of where it is that things are or have moved to.     this blueprint as found and envisioned through the activities of the sixth chakra, the chakra of the Ultimate Name, the seat of the often stated Third Eye has its own reality of transcendence.     it is this image of a newer reality that awakens the desire for it as an overlay of the sixth chakra domain to the second chakra domain.     and as i have mentioned many times, the language of the chakras is a domain based language that is absent of nouns and verbs.     thus such energy blueprints can happen in a twinkling of an eye – the eye of the sixth chakra.     thus there is this recertification of the self image that is eventually being reborn or recreated through the avenues that are available to the heart.

not finished with these comments – actually just started this…

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