Attacking Seagulls

Now…. This is Special. :-)

i was up before sunrise and had gone early to the beautiful Meyers Creek area of the oregon Pistol River state park because of the wonderful potential that is presented by low tide conditions.     as it is with a number of these special beaches that are graced by these large monolithic rock formations, the sand has built up over the ages to form a shelf that extends far out into the ocean at low tide.     at high tide the water is deep enough for waves to form much farther inward and thus carry more and more sand to this shelf so that at low tide it can be smoothed and evened out better ant better each day.     thus, at varying places, you can meander yourself at low tide to places that are a good three to four hundred feet farther out into the ocean than you can at high tide.     by the time you are out that far the water might be up to your crotch, but if you are looking to catch otherwise uncatchable photogenic perspectives of some of these beautiful rock formations, this a wonderful set of circumstances. this particular morning was on the ninth of july, so the weather temperature offered a much more cooperating circumstance than trying to do this in the winter.     but you cannot just say to yourself:   “Hey, it is a nice July Morning – Lets go down at sunrise and take these neat pictures!”,   because the tides are cycling in and out according to their own rhythm.

so that explains my side of this story.     but it does not explain exactly ‘WHAT’ was going on in the minds of these Seagulls!     all i can really imagine is that maybe the combination of being out there at the crack of dawn and walking around in the water So Far out there presented something to them that just was not normal.     they would take turns attacking me by descending from fairly high to an attack run by skimming along low to the water.     as you can see by the first photo on the left that he is coming at me at height just below my head because the picture is just starting to look over the top of his head.     they would fly right at me and pull up at just the last second.     the next two photos show them at some distance away from me, but after they had leveled out and began their attack run.     the last pic shows what they were doing up above minus the sounds that they were making.     it is as if the ones up in the air were all living out the Paul Revere thing (making lots of alarming noises) while taking turns diving down to make an attack run.     this probably went on for about ten minutes before they gave up and let me be.